Workforce Investment Board
Reappointments of the following members, term expirations: 9/30/24. (Staff recommendations):
• Mark Vitale and Danielle Duarte, representing Business.
• Kathy Prather, representing Education and Training; Educational Agency.
• Abra McAndrew, representing Education and Training, Higher Education.
• Maria S. Sopher, representing State Employment Service Office under Wagner-Peyser.
• Jorge Rivero, representing GECD; TANF; Business.
• Trish Muir, representing Workforce; CBO.
• Vaughn Croft, representing Workforce; Out-of-School Youth Organization.
• Barbra Coffee, representing ECDE.
Category changes for the following members:
• Brad McCormick, from representing Business to representing Workforce; CBO and fill the current seat of Ramon Serrato. Term expiration: 9/30/24. (Staff recommendation)
• Ramon Serrato, from representing Workforce; CBO to representing Business and fill the current seat of Brad McCormick. Term expiration: 9/30/22. (Staff recommendation)