Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/6/2018 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors' Hearing Room
Published agenda: Agenda and Addendum Agenda and Addendum Published minutes: Summaries Summaries  
Agenda packet: Not Available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
File ID 8483 15. Agenda Item2018 National Environmental Achievement Award - Pima County Living River Project Recognition of Pima County’s Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department for being recipients of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies’ 2018 National Environmental Achievement Award for the Pima County Living River Project. (District 5)   Not Available
File ID 8516 11. Addendum Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A) (3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding a Notice of Claim dated December 21, 2017 by Therese Deschenes, Ricardo Garcia, John Henson and Theodore Hartenstein.   Not Available
File ID 8467 17. Agenda ItemRiparian Habitat Mitigation Staff requests approval of a Riparian Habitat Mitigation Plan and In-Lieu Fee Proposal in the amount of $6,270.00 for property located at 7973 North Barrel Cactus Road, located within important riparian habitat area with underlying Class B Habitat. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 8478 18. Agenda ItemContract CMG Drainage Engineering, Inc., to provide for the Santa Cruz River Management Plan: Grant Road to Trico Road, Flood Control Tax Levy Fund, contract amount $552,568.00 (CT-FC-18-215)   Not Available
File ID 8468 19. Agenda ItemUNFINISHED BUSINESS (2/6/18) Revisions to Board of Supervisors Policy Staff requests approval of the revisions to Board of Supervisors Policy No. D32.11, Pima County Public Library - Petition Passing and Information Sharing Policy.   Not Available
File ID 8493 110. Agenda ItemAcceptance - Library Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records - State Grants-In-Aid for Construction (SGIAC), to provide for the SGIAC 2018 - Sam Lena South Tucson Branch Library, SGIAC Fund, $50,000.00/$50,000.00 Library District Funds 2051 Fund Match (GTAW 18-40)   Not Available
File ID 8338 112. Agenda ItemPima Council on Aging Pima Council on Aging presentation by W. Mark Clark, on the results of its quadrennial survey of the State of the Elderly in Pima County and Southern Arizona. (District 5)   Not Available
File ID 8457 113. Agenda ItemDiscussion/Action/Vote A. Discussion/Vote regarding whether to initiate an investigation of the hydrogen balloon explosion, which occurred at the Pima County taxpayer owned Space Port operated by World View on December 19, 2017. B. Discussion and possible action on the list of concerns identified in Supervisor Miller’s memorandum dated January 12, 2018, regarding the December 19, 2017 World View Explosion. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 8454 114. Agenda ItemDraft Sales Tax Implementation Plan Ordinance and Road Repair Plan for Discussion Staff recommends that the Board continue to provide additional direction to staff regarding the proposal, including the concept of adopting an implementation plan ordinance prior to considering the actual adoption of a sales tax. Discussion/Direction.   Not Available
File ID 8479 115. Agenda ItemSelf-Insured Workers’ Compensation Program Staff requests approval of the Request for Exemption from Requirement to Post Statutory Deposit for submission to the Industrial Commission of Arizona.   Not Available
File ID 8482 116. Agenda ItemTermination of the Metropolitan Energy Commission and City-County IGA RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 6, of the Board of Supervisors, terminating Pima County authorization for and participation in the Tucson-Pima County Metropolitan Energy Commission and repealing Board Resolution 1980-57 and terminating Intergovernmental Agreement No. 110912 between Pima County and the City of Tucson.   Not Available
File ID 8469 117. Agenda ItemUNFINISHED BUSINESS (2/6/18) Indirect Expenditures of County Attorney’s Anti-Racketeering Funds to Outside Agencies Staff requests review and approval of applications relating to the allocation of monies from the Pima County Attorney’s Anti-Racketeering Fund to outside agencies.   Not Available
File ID 8474 118. Agenda ItemFair Horse Racing Meet 2018 Staff recommends approval of the change in date to February 10-11 and March 3 and 17, 2018, and the County Fair Horse Racing at Rillito Race Track will continue in 2018 or other horse race tracks if there is no racing at Rillito Race Track, subject to final approval by the Arizona Department of Racing.   Not Available
File ID 8497 119. Agenda ItemFinal Plat With Assurances P17FP00001, Cortaro Thornydale Commercial Center, Block 1 (future commercial development) and Block 2 (natural open space). (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 8488 120. Agenda Item(Clerk’s Note: This item requires a unanimous vote of approval by the Board of Supervisors.) Request for Aerial Easement Staff recommends approval of an aerial easement to Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP), File No. E-0088, for property located south of the Rillito River and adjacent to TEP Sub Station at 3535 E. Kleindale, lying within Section 28, T13S, R14E, G&SRM, Pima County, Arizona, $100.00 revenue and $1,750.00 reimbursement for appraisal fee. (District 3)   Not Available
File ID 8460 121. Agenda ItemAcceptance of Project/Roadway for Maintenance P16SC00036, Diamond Court, Lots 1-19. Developer: Desert Oasis Development. (District 3)   Not Available
File ID 8371 122. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Liquor License 12104556, Nitin S. Patel, Tamarind Restaurant, 7265 N. La Cholla Boulevard, Tucson, Series 12, Restaurant, New License.   Not Available
File ID 8461 123. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Traffic Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 7, of the Board of Supervisors, permitting the temporary closure of portions of Milber Street in Pima County, Arizona, for the R&R Products TPI Plant Tour on Tuesday, February 13, 2018. Staff recommends APPROVAL. (District 2)   Not Available
File ID 8462 124. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Traffic Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 8, of the Board of Supervisors, permitting the temporary closure of portions of McCain Loop from 600 North Kinney Road to 2350 North Kinney Road in Pima County, Arizona, for the Tucson Bicycle Classic on Friday, March 16, 2018. Staff recommends APPROVAL. (District 3)   Not Available
File ID 8463 125. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Traffic Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 9, of the Board of Supervisors, permitting the temporary closure of portions of Continental Road, Duval Mine Road, Helmet Peak Road and Mission Road in Pima County, Arizona, for the Tucson Bicycle Classic on Saturday, March 17, 2018. Staff recommends APPROVAL. (Districts 3 and 4)   Not Available
File ID 8464 126. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Traffic Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 10, of the Board of Supervisors, permitting the temporary closure of portions of Anklam Road from Daystar Mountain Drive to Speedway Boulevard and Speedway Boulevard from Anklam Road to Painted Hills Road in Pima County, Arizona, for the Tucson Bicycle Classic on Sunday, March 18, 2018. Staff recommends APPROVAL. (District 5)   Not Available
File ID 8465 127. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Traffic Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 11, of the Board of Supervisors, permitting the temporary closure of portions of La Canada Drive from Calle Concordia to Rancho Feliz Drive and portions of Calle Concordia from La Canada Drive to Calle Loma Linda in Pima County, Arizona, for the Oro Valley Sprint Tri and Du Festival on Saturday, March 24, 2018. Staff recommends APPROVAL. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 8189 128. Public Hearing ItemUNFINISHED BUSINESS (11/7/17 and 12/12/17) Hearing - Code Text Amendment ORDINANCE NO. 2017 - 38, of the Board of Supervisors, relating to Wastewater; amending Pima County Code, Title 13, Chapter 24, Sanitary Sewer user fees.   Not Available
File ID 8500 12. Addendum Surplus Property Staff requests approval to sell surplus property consisting of 13,343 square feet of vacant land located at the northwest corner of Alvernon Way and Farr Place, Tax Parcel No. 111-04-097D, by auction to the highest bidder. (District 3)   Not Available
File ID 8505 13. Addendum Purchase/Sale of Real Property RESOLUTION NO. 2018 - 12, of the Board of Supervisors, authorizing sale of land held by the State under a Treasurer’s Deed.   Not Available
File ID 8506 14. Addendum Arizona Board of Regents, The University of Arizona, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Mobile Health Program, Mobile Health Clinic, extend contract term to 1/31/19 and amend contractual language, no cost (CT-CD-17-313)   Not Available
File ID 8510 15. Addendum Award Award: Multiple Master Agreements for OEM warranty/non-warranty parts and repair services. Master Agreements are for an initial term of one (1) year in the shared annual award amount of $400,000.00 (Including sales tax) and includes four (4) one-year renewal options. Funding Source: Internal Services Fund. Administering Department: Fleet Services. Group A: OEM Chevrolet Parts and Labor/Master Agreement No./Award Amount O’Rielly Chevrolet, Inc., d.b.a. O’Rielly Motor Company (Primary)/MA-PO-18-219/$75,250.00 Watson Chevrolet, Inc. (Secondary)/MA-PO-18-220/$46,000.00 Group B: OEM Ford Parts and Labor/Master Agreement No./Award Amount Holmes Tuttle Ford, Inc., d.b.a. Holmes Tuttle Ford Lincoln (Primary)/MA-PO-18-221/$57,250.00 Jim Click Ford, Inc., d.b.a. Jim Click Ford Lincoln (Primary)/MA-PO-18-222/$57,250.00 Group C: OEM Dodge/Ram Parts and Labor/Master Agreement No./Award Amount Jim Click, Inc., d.b.a. Jim Click Chrysler Jeep (Primary)/MA-PO-18-223/$18,000.00 Jim Click, Inc., d.b.a. Jim Click Dodge (Primary)/MA-PO-18-224/$18,000.00 Group D: OEM Toyota Parts and Labor/Mast   Not Available
File ID 8517 16. Addendum Arizona Secretary of State, to provide for the AZSOS E-Qual Agreement, no cost (CTN-RE-18-111)   Not Available
File ID 8518 17. Addendum Arizona Secretary of State, to provide for the AZSOS/Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) Agreement, General Fund, contract amount $35,000.00 (CT-RE-18-252)   Not Available
File ID 8513 18. Addendum Acceptance - Sheriff State of Arizona Department of Homeland Security, to provide for the Operation Stonegarden Grant Program - Overtime and Mileage, $1,191,208.00 (GTAW 18-55)   Not Available
File ID 8514 19. Addendum Acceptance - Sheriff State of Arizona Department of Homeland Security, for the Operation Stonegarden Grant Program - Equipment, $237,967.00 (GTAW 18-56)   Not Available
File ID 8515 110. Addendum Acceptance - Community Development and Neighborhood Conservation Tucson Electric Power Company, to provide for the Low Income Weatherization Program Services Agreement, $11,250.00 (GTAW 18-58)   Not Available
File ID 8508 111. Addendum Transportation Advisory Committee Appointment of Dr. JoAnn di Filippo, to replace Reggie Drout. No term expiration. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 8509 112. Addendum Sales Tax Advisory Committee Appointment of Dr. JoAnn di Filippo, representing Transportation Advisory Committee. No term expiration. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 8472 11. Contract and/or AwardTucson Urban League, Inc., to provide for the Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World Workshops, CSBG Fund, contract amount $4,470.00 (CT-CS-18-213)   Not Available
File ID 8473 12. Contract and/or AwardInterfaith Community Services, to provide for the Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World Workshops, CSBG Fund, contract amount $4,470.00 (CT-CS-18-214)   Not Available
File ID 8480 13. Contract and/or AwardRacy Associates, Inc., to provide for federal legislative representation services, General Fund, contract amount $300,000.00/2 year term (CT-CA-18-203)   Not Available
File ID 8458 14. Contract and/or AwardAward Award: Master Agreement No. MA-PO-18-193, UniFirst Corporation (Headquarters: Tucson, AZ), for uniform and related product rental services. This Master Agreement is for an initial term of one (1) year in the annual award amount of $300,000.00 and includes four (4) one-year renewal options. Funding Source: General Fund. Administering Department: Regional Wastewater Reclamation.   Not Available
File ID 8471 15. Contract and/or AwardAward Award: Master Agreement No. MA-PO-18-213, Prominent Systems, Inc. (Headquarters: Industry, CA), to provide carbon change-out for activated carbon units. This Master Agreement is for an initial term of one (1) year in the annual award amount of $1,000,000.00 (including sales tax) and includes four (4) one-year renewal options. Funding Source: Wastewater Enterprise Fund. Administering Department: Regional Wastewater Reclamation.   Not Available
File ID 8476 16. Contract and/or AwardHaydon Building Corp., to provide Construction Manager at Risk Services for Kino South Sports Complex, Certificates of Participation Fund, contract amount $190,845.00 (CT-PW-18-212)   Not Available
File ID 8484 17. Contract and/or AwardBorderland Construction Company, Inc., Amendment No. 3, to provide Construction Manager at Risk Services for Aerospace Parkway Widening (4AERO2), extend contract term to 9/28/18, amend contractual language and scope of work, HURF 12.6% Fund, contract amount $2,330,178.08 (CT-PW-17-328)   Not Available
File ID 8477 18. Contract and/or AwardDiamond Bell Ranch Management Company, L.L.C., Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Ranch Management Agreement, extend contract term to 1/15/23 and amend contractual language, no cost (CTN-PW-18-100)   Not Available
File ID 8492 19. Consent ItemAcceptance - Health Arizona Board of Regents - University of Arizona, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Bridges to Wellness (B-Well) Project, Arizona Board of Regents/SAMHSA Fund, $15,982.24 (GTAM 18-27)   Not Available
File ID 8494 110. Consent ItemAcceptance - Community Services, Employment and Training City of Tucson, to provide for the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS), U.S. Housing and Urban Development Fund, $5,000.00/$5,000.00 U.S. Housing and Urban Development Continuum of Care - Homeless Management Fund Match (GTAW 18-49)   Not Available
File ID 8495 111. Consent ItemAcceptance - County Attorney Arizona Department of Public Safety, to provide for the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victims Assistance Sexual Assault Kit Grant Program, U.S. Department of Justice Fund, $209,941.00 (GTAW 18-50)   Not Available
File ID 8496 112. Consent ItemAcceptance - County Attorney Arizona Department of Public Safety, to provide for the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Victims Assistance Grant Program, U.S. Department of Justice Fund, $2,467,588.00 (GTAW 18-51)   Not Available
File ID 8434 113. Consent ItemTucson-Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee Appointment of Daphne Hope, to fill a vacancy created by Paul Durham. Term expiration: 7/31/19. (Commission recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 8447 114. Consent ItemElection Integrity Commission Appointment of Benny White, to fill a vacancy created by Karen Schutte. Term expiration: 2/6/20. (Republican Party recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 8485 115. Consent ItemTransportation Advisory Committee Appointment of Paul Williams, to fill a vacancy created by Sergio Arellano. No term expiration. (District 4)   Not Available
File ID 8486 116. Consent ItemSales Tax Advisory Committee Appointment of Paul Williams, representing Transportation Advisory Committee, to fill a vacancy created by Sergio Arellano. No term expiration. (District 4)   Not Available
File ID 8487 117. Consent ItemLibrary Advisory Board Appointment of Nancy Puckett, to fill a vacancy created by Robert Baker. Term expiration: 6/30/21. (District 4)   Not Available
File ID 8489 118. Consent ItemCorrections Officer Retirement Board Appointment of Keith Bagwell, to replace Jennifer Cabrera. No term expiration. (Chairman recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 8490 119. Consent ItemCounty Attorney Investigators Local Retirement Board Appointment of Keith Bagwell, to replace Jennifer Cabrera. No term expiration. (Chairman recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 8491 120. Consent ItemPublic Safety Personnel Retirement Board Appointment of Keith Bagwell, to replace Jennifer Cabrera. No term expiration. (Chairman recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 8456 121. Consent ItemSpecial Event · William Dean Woodruff, Brothers of Tanque Verde, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 300 N. Tanque Verde Loop Road, Tucson, January 27, 2018. · William Dean Woodruff, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 300 N. Tanque Verde Loop Road, Tucson, February 9, 2018. · Michael Owen McDonald, Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, St. Ann's Chapel and Ranch, 5800 East Santa Fee, Tucson, March 3, 2018.   Not Available
File ID 8470 122. Consent ItemTemporary Extension · 12104140, Steven Alex Dunn, The Parish, 6453 N. Oracle Road, Tucson, Temporary Extension of Premises for February 13, 2018. · 06100203, Randy D. Nations, Hot Rods Old Vail, 10500 E. Old Vail Road, Tucson, Temporary Extension of Premises for January 20, 27 and February 1, 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2018.   Not Available
File ID 8481 123. Consent ItemPrecinct Committeemen Pursuant to A.R.S. §16-821B, approval of Precinct Committeemen resignations and appointments: RESIGNATIONS-PRECINCT-PARTY Thomas R. McConnell-014-DEM; Carol E. Montgomery-073-DEM; Sharyl S. Pancoast-146-DEM; Pieter G. Turley-164-DEM; Sandra Clark-170-DEM; Elizabeth G. Schmidt-187-DEM; Lynn H. Waltke-211-DEM; Juan P. Martin-Castillo-237-DEM; Kenneth F. Moyes-224-REP; Ingrid Saber-012-LBT APPOINTMENTS-PRECINCT-PARTY Thomas R. McConnell-030-DEM; Virginia L. Lynns-036-DEM; Elvira K. Din-044-DEM; Ann M. Strine-056-DEM; Felicia J. Chew-057-DEM; Ellen M. Garms-069-DEM; Alison H. Jones-073-DEM; Leslie L. Hunten-080-DEM; Jeanne A. Buell-084-DEM; Rex A. Graham-105-DEM; Olawale A. Oyegbola-107-DEM; Gary A. Geisler-123-DEM; Kimberlee A. Holaway-164-DEM; Sheri L. Barker-170-DEM; Catherine D. Ripley-179-DEM; Lawrence E. Waggoner-179-DEM; Carl E. Harrison-201-DEM; Bayard C. Auchincloss Jr.-088-REP; Georgina Dalton-088-REP; Dori Hachmeister-145-REP; Eileen M. Wilson-147-REP; Rebecca M. Laurie-179-REP; Gregory A. Hartman-187-REP; Payton W. Davies-194-REP; Ingrid Sab   Not Available
File ID 8475 124. Consent ItemDuplicate Warrants - For Ratification The State of Arizona $42,146.67; The State of Arizona $43,410.54; Tucson Jet Center, L.L.C. $656.69; The State of Arizona $72.00; Amrit Donaldson, P.C. $8,586.00; Roberta Lynn Holland $596.46; Spencer D. Graves $17.00; Iron Mountain, Inc. $1,092.64; Jennifer Rose Sara Wren $1,217.17; Robert J. Gloudemans $362.50; Patricia Lopez $140.62; Pedro Gil Lopez Jr. $1,161.88; Christian T. Edwards $151.30; APL Access & Security, Inc. $3,060.56; Nancy Everist $134.46; PCL Construction, Inc. $36,695.15; Sergio Vasquez $1,327.03; Daniel Figueroa $1,023.01; Kori A. Tevere $1,981.57; Bernice K. Little, P.C. $480.00; Yvette Montijo $478.48; State of Arizona Board of Nursing $350.00.   Not Available
File ID 8466 125. Consent ItemPursuant to Resolution No. 1993-200, ratification of the Document Storage and Retrieval Fund for the month of December, 2017.   Not Available
File ID 8441 126. Consent ItemMinutes: December 19, 2017 and January 2 and 16, 2018 Warrants: January, 2018   Not Available