File ID 18269
| 1 | 6. | | Agenda Item | Recognition of the “We A.R.E. Gems” Quarterly Recipients
Pursuant to Administrative Procedure 23-5, Employee Recognition Program, the following employees have been selected for the quarterly "We A.R.E. Gems" recognition:
· Luz Elias-Atkins - Assessor’s Office
· Amy Belk - Conservation Lands & Resources
· Suzanne Castro-Fajardo - Finance & Risk Management
· Lauren Dinauer - Health Department
· Nicholas Ramirez - Health Department
· Chinyere Olumba - Library
· Karina Pacheco - Library
· Jodi Layton - Parks & Recreation
· Joe LaPare - Sheriff’s Department | | |
Not Available
File ID 18281
| 1 | 7. | | Agenda Item | Recognition
Recognition of the retirement of Ellen Moulton, Director, Finance & Risk Management, for 25 years of service. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18303
| 1 | 1. | | Addendum | Recognition
Recognition of the retirement of Sharon Zaher, Information Technology Applications Developer II, Information Technology Department, for 40 years of service. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18296
| 1 | 2. | | Addendum | Presentation of a proclamation to Sandra Franco and Isabel Franco, La Estrella Bakery, proclaiming the day of Tuesday, January 21, 2025 to be: "LA ESTRELLA BAKERY APPRECIATION DAY IN PIMA COUNTY" | | |
Not Available
File ID 18300
| 1 | 3. | | Addendum | Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3) and (4), for legal advice and direction, regarding the Receipt, Release, and Approval of Accounting submitted by Bogutz & Gordon, P.C., on behalf of the Estate of Paula Lowe for the distribution of funds to the Pima Animal Care Center. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18276
| 2 | 9. | | Agenda Item | Hearing - Code Text Amendment
ORDINANCE NO. 2025 - FC1, of the Board of Directors of the Pima County Flood Control District, amending the Floodplain Management Ordinance Chapter 16.36 (Subdivisions and Development) to allow the issuance of building permits in subdivisions and commercial development prior to the completion of drainage and grading improvements and to allow the District to approve rough grading statements. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18277
| 1 | 10. | | Agenda Item | Hearing - Rulemaking Enactment of Pima County Regional Flood Control Technical Procedure 111 and Amendments to the Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention Manual
ORDINANCE NO. 2025 - FC2, of the Board of Directors of the Pima County Flood Control District, adopting new Technical Procedure 111 Interim Use of Rough Grading Statement in lieu of as-built certification and amending the Design Standards for Stormwater Detention and Retention Manual to conform to the Technical Procedure and Floodplain Management Ordinance. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18263
| 1 | 11. | | Agenda Item | Order and Call for Election
RESOLUTION NO. 2025 - WCFD1, of the District Board of Wildflower Community Facilities District, ordering and calling an election with respect to increasing the rate of levy of an ad valorem property tax attributable to the operation and maintenance expenses of the district. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18282
| 1 | 13. | | Agenda Item | Board of Supervisors Representative Updates on Boards, Committees and Commissions and Any Other Municipalities | | |
Not Available
File ID 18283
| 1 | 14. | | Agenda Item | Update on County Initiatives to Address Homelessness and Public Safety | | |
Not Available
File ID 18266
| 1 | 15. | | Agenda Item | Revised Outside Agency Committee Funding Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2024/2025
Senior Support Category
Agency/Program/Contract/Current Award/Revised Recommendation
About Care, Inc., d.b.a. About Care/Empowering Independent Living/-/$15,000/-
Administration of Resources & Choices/Elder Shelter Coordination & Placement Program/PO2400013326/$38,568/$40,235
Arivaca Coordinating Council/Human Resource Group, Inc., d.b.a. Arivaca Human
Resource/Senior Support/PO2400010322/$21,881/$23,548
Catholic Community Services of SO AZ, Inc./Quincie Douglas Breakfast/PO2400009557/$33,005/$34,672
Green Valley Assistance Services, d.b.a. Valley Assistance Services/Older Adult Resource Program Specialist/PO2400016157/$15,000/$15,000
Interfaith Community Services/ICS Mobile Meals/PO2400011831/$30,895/$32,562
Interfaith Community Services/Transportation Services for At-Risk Seniors/PO2400011831/$30,512/$32,178
Mobile Meals of Southern Arizona, Inc./Mobile Meals of Southern Arizona Meal Delivery Program/PO2400016515/$28,498/$30,165
Southern Az Assoc for the Visually Impaired, d.b.a. Saavi Services for | | |
Not Available
File ID 18270
| 1 | 16. | | Agenda Item | 2024 General Election After Action Report
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding the Pima County Elections Department 2024 General Election After Action Report. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18217
| 1 | 17. | | Agenda Item | Monthly Financial Update
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding a monthly financial update on the County's financial performance. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18278
| 1 | 18. | | Agenda Item | Contingency Request for Fleet Services
Staff recommends $1,359,658.00 in budget authority from Non-General Fund Contingency be allocated to the Fleet Services Internal Service Fund, due to the rollover of expenses from the previous fiscal year. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18289
| 1 | 19. | | Agenda Item | Fiscal Year 2024 and 2025 Expenditure Limitation Report
RESOLUTION NO. 2025 - 2, of the Board of Supervisors, designating the Chief Fiscal Officer for officially submitting the Fiscal Year 2024 and 2025 Expenditure Limitation Reports to the Arizona Auditor General. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18238
| 1 | 20. | | Agenda Item | Revisions to Personnel Policy
Staff recommends approval of the proposed revisions to Personnel Policy No. 8-117, Pay Plan. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18274
| 1 | 21. | | Contract and/or Award | City of Tucson, Amendment No. 1, to provide for Fiscal Year 2024 Shelter and Services - Allocated (SSP-A), U.S. DHS/FEMA/Grant Programs Directorate Fund and extend contract term to 3/31/25, contract amount $2,836,854.68 decrease, due to a decrease in Legally Processed Asylum Seekers needing medical assistance and isolated sheltering (PO2400004619) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18284
| 1 | 22. | | Contract and/or Award | Arizona Superior Court in Pima County, Amendment No. 2, to provide for Supportive Treatment and Engagement Programs Peer Support Specialist, extend contract term to 12/19/25 and amend contractual language, no cost (SC2400000671) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18285
| 1 | 23. | | Contract and/or Award | The Arizona Partnership for Immunization, Amendment No. 3, to provide for third party billing, extend contract term to 12/1/25 and amend contractual language, contract amount $1,100,000.00 revenue (CT2400000059) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18273
| 1 | 24. | | Contract and/or Award | Line and Space, L.L.C., Amendment No. 4, to provide for Architectural and Engineering Design Services: Northwest County Service Center (XNWHLC) and extend contract term to 2/3/26, no cost (PO2400016471) Administering Department: Project Design and Construction. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18275
| 1 | 25. | | Contract and/or Award | Federal Highway Administration, Amendment No. 2, to provide for AZ FLAP PIM FR510(1) Sabino Canyon Park Road; Carter Canyon Road to USFS Gate Project (44SCPRD), extend contract term to 12/31/27 and amend contractual language, County HURF Fund, contract amount $185,000.00 (PO2500000397) Former Contract No. CT-21-196, Amendment No. 2, was approved on December 3, 2024. This is a revised version due to vendor modifications. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18257
| 1 | 26. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
Arizona Department of Economic Security, Amendment No. 12, to provide for the Community Action Services Program and amend grant language, $2,378,438.85 (GA-CWD-70943) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18258
| 1 | 27. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
Tucson Electric Power Company (TEP), Amendment No. 3, to provide for TEP Low Income Weatherization Program services, extend grant term to 12/31/25 and amend grant language, $150,000.00 (GA-CWD-65929) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18264
| 1 | 28. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
Arizona Department of Economic Security, Amendment No. 5, to provide for the WIOA Title 1-B - Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs Transfer of Funds Request - Dislocated and amend grant language, no cost (GA-CWD-73016) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18265
| 1 | 29. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
Arizona Department of Economic Security, Amendment No. 5, to provide for the WIOA Title 1-B - Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs Transfer of Funds Request - Adult and amend grant language, no cost (GA-CWD-70928) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18290
| 1 | 30. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Information Technology
State of Arizona Department of Homeland Security, to provide for the FFY2024 State of Arizona cyber security protection for local and tribal governments, $116,616.00 (G-ITD-79008-3) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18279
| 1 | 31. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Specific Plan Rezoning
DMCI Enterprises, L.L.C., represented by Lazarus & Silvyn, P.C., request a specific plan rezoning for approximately 14 acres (Parcel Codes 137-22-026E and 137-22-0270) from the CB-2 © (General Business - Conditional) and the TR (Transitional) zones to the SP (Specific Plan) zone, located at the northeast corner of S. Camino De La Tierra and W. Valencia Road. The proposed rezoning conforms to the Pima County Comprehensive Plan which designates the property for Multifunctional Corridor. On motion, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 9-0 (Commissioner Hook was absent) to recommend APPROVAL SUBJECT TO STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Staff recommends APPROVAL SUBJECT TO STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS. (District 5) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18280
| 1 | 32. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Rezoning Ordinance
ORDINANCE NO. 2025 - 1, P24RZ00004, Sonora Behavioral Health Hospital, L.L.C., et al. - N. Corona Road Rezoning. Owner: Sonora Behavioral Health Hospital, L.L.C., et al. (District 1) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18301
| 1 | 4. | | Addendum | Distribution of Funds to Pima Animal Care Center from the Estate of Paula Lowe
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding the Receipt, Release, and Approval of Accounting submitted by Bogutz & Gordon, P.C., on behalf of the Estate of Paula Lowe for the distribution of funds to the Pima Animal Care Center. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18302
| 1 | 5. | | Addendum | 2024 General Election After Action Report
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding the Pima County Recorder’s Office 2024 General Election After Action Report. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18304
| 1 | 6. | | Contract and/or Award | Hale International Recruitment U.S., L.L.C., to provide a Hale Finance and Human Resources Staffing Consulting Services Agreement for professional services with expertise in Workday, General Fund, contract amount $250,000.00 (SC2500000019) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18295
| 1 | 7. | | Addendum | Election Integrity Commission
Appointment of Cam Juarez, to replace Barbara Tellman. Term expiration: 1/20/27. (District 5) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18259
| 1 | 1. | | Consent Item | Building Code Committee/Board of Appeals
Appointment of Dave Gibbens, to replace Brent Woods. Term expiration: 1/20/29. (Staff recommendation) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18288
| 1 | 2. | | Consent Item | Self-Insurance Trust Fund Board
Appointment of Art Cuaron, to replace Ellen Moulton. Term expiration: 12/31/28. (Staff recommendation) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18267
| 1 | 3. | | Consent Item | Special Event
· Peter Lynn Schultz, San Xavier Lodge No. 1964, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc., 9022 S. Nogales Highway, Tucson, January 25, 2025.
· Alejandro Torres, Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Parish - Tucson, 300 N. Tanque Verde Loop Road, Tucson, January 25, 2025. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18271
| 1 | 4. | | Consent Item | Request to Waive Interest
Pursuant to A.R.S. §42-18053, staff requests approval of the Submission of Request to Waive Interest Due to Mortgage Satisfaction in the amount of $126.58. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18272
| 1 | 5. | | Consent Item | Certificate of Removal and Abatement - Certificate of Clearance
Staff requests approval of the Certificates of Removal and Abatement/Certificates of Clearance in the amount of $101,917.38. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18287
| 1 | 6. | | Consent Item | Minutes: October 15, 2024 | | |
Not Available