File ID 15470
| 1 | 5. | | Agenda Item | Board of Supervisors Procedural Organization
Selection of the Chair, Vice Chair and Acting Chair.
Motion 1: Motion by Supervisor Christy, seconded by Chair Bronson, select
Chair Bronson as Chair and Supervisor Scott as Vice Chair. Upon
roll call, failed 2-3, Supervisors Grijalva, Scott and Heinz voted nay.
Motion 2: Motion by Supervisor Scott, seconded by Supervisor Heinz, select
Supervisor Grijalva as Chair. Upon roll call, approved 4-1,
Supervisor Christy voted nay.
Motion 3: Motion by Supervisor Grijalva, seconded by Supervisor Christy,
select Supervisor Scott as Vice Chair. Upon roll call, approved 5-0.
Motion 4: Motion by Supervisor Scott, seconded by Supervisor Grijalva, not
select Acting Chair. Upon roll call, approved 5-0. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15452
| 1 | 7. | | Agenda Item | Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A) (3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding a proposed settlement of a claim filed by Randolph Vargas. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15454
| 1 | 8. | | Agenda Item | Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A) (3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding a petition for review of the Court of Appeals decision in Rodgers v. Huckelberry, 2 CA-CV 2021-0072. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15455
| 1 | 9. | | Agenda Item | Contract
Catalina Foothills Adult Care, Inc., to provide for Acquisition Agreement - Acq-1146, Flood Control Non-Bond Fund, contract amount $1,336,900.00 (CT-RPS-23-282) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15425
| 1 | 11. | | Agenda Item | UNFINISHED BUSINESS (12/20/22)
2022 Election
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding the After-Action Reports prepared by the Pima County Elections Director and Recorder for the 2022 General Election, as well as the new voting system implemented for the 2022 Election cycle including, but not limited to, its operational and fiscal impacts. (District 4) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15429
| 1 | 12. | | Agenda Item | Constable
Appointment of Constable, Justice Precinct 1. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15471
| 1 | 13. | | Agenda Item | UNFINISHED BUSINESS (1/10/23)
Contribution to National Association of Counties National Center for Public Lands Counties
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding approval of a contribution of $79,240.00 from the General Fund to capitalize a new National Center for Public Lands Counties proposed by the National Association of Counties and the Western Interstate Region Board of Directors. (District 1) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15418
| 1 | 14. | | Agenda Item | County Administrator’s Update | | |
Not Available
File ID 15463
| 1 | 15. | | Agenda Item | UNFINISHED BUSINESS (1/10/23)
Protection of Water Resources
RESOLUTION NO. 2023 - 1, of the Board of Supervisors, to protect County water resources for current and future generations through identifying and implementing initiatives needed to achieve sustainable aquifer yield and to maintain water quality. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15464
| 1 | 16. | | Agenda Item | Anti-Racketeering Revolving Funds
Staff recommends approval to utilize Anti-Racketeering Revolving Funds in the amount of $5,000.00 for the I Am You 360’s Safe Housing Model under Board of Supervisors Policy No. C 6.3. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15447
| 1 | 17. | | Agenda Item | Conservation Easement Relating to Juan Santa Cruz Campground Rehabilitation Grant Project
Staff recommends approval of the conservation easement and authorizing County personnel to take all reasonable actions to comply with the terms of the grant, including documenting the conservation easement. (District 5) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15431
| 1 | 18. | | Agenda Item | Waiver of Right to Approve Amendments
Staff recommends approval of the Waiver of Right to approve amendments to Declaration of Establishment of Covenants, Conditions, Reservations and Restrictions of Sin Vacas. (District 1) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15358
| 1 | 19. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Bingo License
22-01-8042, Michelle Donnelly, Chaos Elite Booster Club, 2660 W. Ruthrauff Road, Tucson, Class B - Medium Game. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15424
| 1 | 20. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Fireworks Permit
Bobby Retz, Westin La Paloma, 3660 E. Sunrise Drive, Tucson, January 19, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15437
| 1 | 21. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Fireworks Permit
Erin Kallish, Caterpillar, Inc., 5000 W. Caterpillar Trail, Green Valley, January 30, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15438
| 1 | 22. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Fireworks Permit
Erin Kallish, Caterpillar, Inc., 5000 W. Caterpillar Trail, Green Valley, February 6, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15439
| 1 | 23. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Fireworks Permit
Bobby Retz, Westin La Paloma, 3660 E. Sunrise Drive, Tucson, February 8, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15479
| 1 | 1. | | Addendum | World View Lease-Purchase Agreement
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding approval of the World View Enterprises, Inc. lease-purchase agreement. (CTN-RPS-23-98) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15477
| 1 | 2. | | Addendum | Cortaro-Marana Irrigation District
Pursuant to A.R.S. §16-642(B), presentation of the certified copy of the official canvass for the November 15, 2022 election conducted by the Cortaro-Marana Irrigation District. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15469
| 1 | 1. | | Contract and/or Award | Interfaith Community Services, Amendment No. 8, to provide for the Emergency Services Network Program, extend contract term to 6/30/23, amend contractual language and scope of work, ADES/USHHS, STCS/TANF, CSBG and LIHEAP/LIHEAP ARPA Funds, contract amount $422,219.25 (CT-CR-20-473) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15466
| 1 | 2. | | Contract and/or Award | The Arizona Partnership for Immunization, Amendment No. 1, to provide for third party billing, extend contract term to 12/1/23 and amend contractual language, contract amount $1,425,000.00 revenue (CTN-HD-22-71) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15467
| 1 | 3. | | Contract and/or Award | Pima County Superior Court, Amendment No. 3, to provide for co-location of computing systems, extend contract term to 8/14/24 and amend contractual language, no cost (CT-IT-17-13) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15420
| 1 | 4. | | Contract and/or Award | Award
Amendment of Award: Master Agreement No. MA-PO-19-200, Amendment No. 4, GEA Mechanical Equipment US, Inc., to provide for centrifuge parts and services. This amendment is for a one-time increase in the amount of $139,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $758,800.00. Funding Source: WW Ops Fund. Administering Department: Regional Wastewater Reclamation. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15430
| 1 | 5. | | Contract and/or Award | Award
Amendment of Award: Master Agreement No. MA-PO-17-163, Amendment No. 6, Goodmans, Inc., d.b.a. Goodmans Interior Structures, Corporate Interior Systems, Inc., National Design and Trade Network, d.b.a. Interior Solutions and OMNI Workspace Company, L.L.C., d.b.a. Atmosphere Commercial Interiors, L.L.C., to provide for furniture products and services. This amendment extends the termination date to 8/31/23 and increases the not-to-exceed contract amount by $3,500,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $19,380,000.00, and appends the contract with the Forced Labor of Ethnic Uyghurs language pursuant to A.R.S. §35-394. Funding Source: General Fund. Administering Department: Facilities Management. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15442
| 1 | 6. | | Contract and/or Award | Award
Amendment of Award: Master Agreement No. MA-PO-22-216, Amendment No. 1, Diamondback Police Supply Co., Inc., LN Curtis and Sons, d.b.a. Curtis Blue Line and Proforce Marketing, Inc., d.b.a. Proforce Law Enforcement, to provide for tactical equipment and supplies. This amendment increases the shared annual award amount by $143,000.00 from $127,000.00 to $270,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $270,000.00. Funding Source: General Fund. Administering Department: Sheriff. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15443
| 1 | 7. | | Contract and/or Award | Award
Amendment of Award: Master Agreement No. MA-PO-21-129, Amendment No. 3, Senergy Petroleum, L.L.C., to provide for bulk oil, grease and automotive fluids. This amendment increases the annual award amount by $60,000.00 from $240,000.00 to $300,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $300,000.00 due to volatile oil market pricing increases. Funding Source: Fleet Service Ops Fund. Administering Department: Fleet Services. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15448
| 1 | 8. | | Contract and/or Award | B&K Fencing Services (Joint Venture of TB Contractors, Inc. and BBK Fencing, L.L.C.), Brown and White, Inc. and Canyon Fence Company, Inc., Amendment No. 7, to provide for fencing services and amend contractual language, Various Funds, contract amount $750,000.00 (MA-PO-19-12) Facilities Management | | |
Not Available
File ID 15449
| 1 | 9. | | Contract and/or Award | Empire Southwest, L.L.C., d.b.a. Empire Machinery, to provide for Caterpillar 150 Series Motor Graders, Fleet Services Ops Fund, contract amount $970,000.00 (MA-PO-23-109) Fleet Services | | |
Not Available
File ID 15450
| 1 | 10. | | Contract and/or Award | High Point Networks, L.L.C., to provide for VoIP System Maintenance and Upgrades, Telecom Services Fund, contract amount $900,000.00 (PO-PO-23-13) Information Technology | | |
Not Available
File ID 15451
| 1 | 11. | | Contract and/or Award | Minnesota Life Insurance Company, Amendment No. 3, to provide for Group Term Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance, extend contract term to 6/30/28, amend contractual language and scope of services, Health Benefit Self-Insurance ($2,165,500.00) and Employee Contributions ($10,034,500.00) Funds, contract amount $12,200,000.00 (MA-PO-15-256) Human Resources | | |
Not Available
File ID 15457
| 1 | 12. | | Contract and/or Award | Arizona Communication Experts, Inc., to provide for Kino South 144SM fiber connection (CLMP23), ITD-ISF Capital Projects Fund, contract amount $289,100.00 (CT-IT-23-276) Information Technology | | |
Not Available
File ID 15468
| 1 | 13. | | Contract and/or Award | Professional Pipe Services, Inc., Amendment No. 2, to provide for conveyance system closed circuit television inspection services and amend contractual language, RWRD Obligations Fund, contract amount $91,650.00 (CT-WW-21-396) Regional Wastewater Reclamation | | |
Not Available
File ID 15472
| 1 | 14. | | Contract and/or Award | Consultant Engineering, Inc., HDR Construction Control Corporation, and Horrocks Engineers, Inc., to provide for construction surveillance and inspection services for Pima County Right of Way Projects, Various Funds, contract amount $4,000,000.00 (MA-PO-23-100) Transportation | | |
Not Available
File ID 15458
| 1 | 15. | | Contract and/or Award | City of Tucson, to provide for Exchange Agreement - Acq-1109 and Special Warranty Deed, CWD General Fund, contract amount $6,000.00 (CT-RPS-23-280) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15459
| 1 | 16. | | Contract and/or Award | City of Tucson, to provide a purchase agreement for a portion of County owned land in connection with the Silverbell Road: El Camino del Cerro to Goret Road Project, contract amount $100,100.00 revenue (CTN-RPS-23-90) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15456
| 1 | 17. | | Contract and/or Award | Town of Marana, to provide an intergovernmental agreement for the joint administration of Public Works projects, Highway User Revenue Funds, contract amount $1,000,000.00/$1,000,000.00 revenue/5 year term (CT-TR-23-271) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15433
| 1 | 18. | | Consent Item | Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
Arizona Community Action Association, d.b.a. Wildfire, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Utility Repair Replacement and Deposit Program and amend grant language, no cost (GTAM 23-46) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15436
| 1 | 19. | | Consent Item | Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
U.S. Department of Treasury, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Emergency Rental Assistance 2 Project and amend grant language, $15,000,000.00 (GTAM 23-19) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15440
| 1 | 20. | | Consent Item | Acceptance - Health
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to provide for the SPRING Initiative for an Equitable and Healthy Community, $11,924,381.00/5 year term (GTAW 23-83) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15441
| 1 | 21. | | Consent Item | Acceptance - Health
Arizona Department of Health Services, to provide for the Traveler’s Health Project, $520,008.00/2 year term (GTAW 23-82) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15444
| 1 | 22. | | Consent Item | Acceptance - Sheriff
Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety STEP Enforcement and amend grant language, $26,110.00 (GTAM 23-48) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15445
| 1 | 23. | | Consent Item | Acceptance - Sheriff
Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety DUI/Impaired Driving Enforcement and amend grant language, $20,698.00 (GTAM 23-49) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15446
| 1 | 24. | | Consent Item | Acceptance - Sheriff
Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, to provide for the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Occupant Protection Project, $3,835.00 (GTAW 23-84) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15416
| 1 | 25. | | Consent Item | Outside Agency Citizen Review Committee
Appointment of Jess Losoya, to replace Steve Huffman. No term expiration. (County Administrator recommendation) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15453
| 1 | 26. | | Consent Item | Tucson-Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee
· Appointment of Randy Ford, to fill a vacancy created by Sean Pantellere. Term expiration: 8/9/23. (Commission recommendation)
· Reappointment of Joseph Mais. Term expiration: 10/31/24. (Commission recommendation) | | |
Not Available
File ID 15428
| 1 | 27. | | Consent Item | Special Event
· Ken Gallagher, St. Rita in the Desert Catholic Church, 13260 E. Colossal Cave Road, Vail, December 17 and 18, 2022.
· Aaron Michael Cooper, International Sonoran Desert Alliance, Ajo Plaza Rec Hall, 38 W. Plaza Street, Ajo, February 18, 2023. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15462
| 1 | 28. | | Consent Item | Precinct Committeemen
Pursuant to A.R.S. §16-821B, approval of Precinct Committeemen resignations and appointments:
William Apple-009-REP, Dale Ragland-257-REP, Marrell Livesay-257-REP
Rafael Leidy-009-REP, Kristen Bitgood-015-REP, Henry Samiento-016-REP, Denise Martin-032-REP, Raoul Garza-036-REP, Barton Magellan-040-REP, George Green-047-REP, Pamela Hendrickson-049-REP, Bruce Myers-054-REP, Brossie Cerniqlia-061-REP, Lacey Nagao-061-REP, Ed Wood-063-REP, Alan Haswell-067-REP, Sonya Mooney-068-REP, Wendy Szajek-069-REP, Eric Jeffers-077-REP, William Stefano-081-REP, Margot Wen-084-REP, Stephen Herzog-088-REP, Carol Nicolet-089-REP, Colleen Lienhard-092-REP, Larry Rounsaville-101-REP, Bruce Westbell-104-REP, Michael Swalko-106-REP, Irvine Ramirez-107-REP, Lora Gruner-109-REP, Cathy Blake-117-REP, Tammie Rouse-117-REP, Robert Hunt-126-REP, Karen Greene-126-REP, Kim Gordon-134-REP, Lois Wagner-140-REP, Karen Velasquez-142-REP, Susan Schmitt-145-REP, Martha Alvardo-146-REP, Robert Logreco-149-REP, Janet Wittenbraker-164-REP, Raf Pol | | |
Not Available
File ID 15435
| 1 | 29. | | Consent Item | Duplicate Warrants - For Ratification
Natalie Cevallos $360.00; Georgetown Apartments $9,289.00; Trico Electric Cooperative, Inc. $1,712.15; Krista Timm $1,266.62; Community Bridges, Inc. $172.04; $4,935.00; Carla Blackwell $684.50; Parkview Apartments 144, L.P. $2,915.00; Lago Del Oro Water Company $23.76; Veronica Borquez $76.50; The State of Arizona $68.00; SREIT Las Villas De Kino, L.L.C. $1,363.00; Interfaith Community Services $3,211.95; Broadmoor Apartments, L.L.C., d.b.a. Broadmoor Apartments $5,434.00; Markham Contracting Co., Inc. $159,348.03; Julie Castaneda $150.00; Marleen Ibarra $113.06. | | |
Not Available
File ID 15417
| 2 | 30. | | Consent Item | Public Announcement
Pursuant to A.R.S. §49-391(C), a public comment period of 30 days must occur before any Pretreatment Consent Decree or Negotiated Settlement Agreement is made final. The Public Information Enforcement File for the following case will be made available for public review or copies may be obtained for $.35 per page at the Public Works Building, Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department’s reception desk, 201 North Stone Avenue, 3rd Floor, Tucson, Arizona, 85701. Comments will be taken for the next thirty days and written comments may be sent to Industrial Wastewater Control, 2955 W. Calle Agua Nueva, Tucson, Arizona 85745-9750. If sufficient interest is expressed, a public hearing may be held by the Board of Supervisors. After the comment period, the Board of Supervisors will vote on acceptance of the following Settlement Agreement:
Enterprise Leasing Company of Phoenix, L.L.C. (“Enterprise”). The proposed settlement in which Enterprise, located at 1198 S. Kolb Road, agrees to pay a penalty of $800.00 and submit to Pollution Prevention School is in accordance with t | | |
Not Available
File ID 15461
| 1 | 31. | | Consent Item | Minutes: November 1, 2022
Warrants: December, 2022 | | |
Not Available