Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/4/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors' Hearing Room
Published agenda: Agenda and Addendum Agenda and Addendum Published minutes: Summaries Summaries  
Agenda packet: Not Available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
File ID 18339 16. Agenda ItemPresentation of a proclamation to Julie Burch, Administrative Services Division Manager, and Ana Wilber, Materials and Services Division Manager, Procurement, proclaiming the month of March 2025 to be: "PROCUREMENT MONTH" and the day of Wednesday, March 12, 2025 to be: "PROCUREMENT PROFESSIONALS’ DAY"   Not Available
File ID 18455 11. Addendum Presentation of a proclamation to Anakarina Rodriguez, Cecelia Valdez, and Eva Carrillo Dong, Arizona César E. Chávez + Dolores Huerta Holiday Coalition, proclaiming the month of March 2025 to be: "CÉSAR CHÁVEZ AND DOLORES HUERTA MONTH IN PIMA COUNTY"   Not Available
File ID 18407 18. Agenda ItemPursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding a proposed settlement in Therese Deschenes, et al. v. Pima County, et al., C20180857.   Not Available
File ID 18408 19. Agenda ItemPursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding a proposed settlement in William Farmer, et al. v. Pima County, et al., C20190642.   Not Available
File ID 18409 110. Agenda ItemPursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding a settlement recommendation in BP 5411 Investors, L.L.C. v. Pima County, TX2024-000134.   Not Available
File ID 18434 12. Addendum Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A)(3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding Mesch, Clark & Rothschild, P.C.’s request for a conflict of interest waiver.   Not Available
File ID 18436 13. Addendum Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A)(3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding Intergovernmental Agreement No. 23-15-ED with the Arizona Department of Education.   Not Available
File ID 18456 14. Addendum Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A)(3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding a settlement recommendation in TNR & S Acquisition, Inc. v. Pima County, TX2023-000226.   Not Available
File ID 18401 111. Agenda ItemGrant Acceptance Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs, to provide for the Hazard Mitigation Grants Program Post Fire - HMGP FM-5434-2-2R, $1,182,937.50/$394,312.50 Special Revenue Fund match (G-FC-79429)   Not Available
File ID 18400 112. Agenda ItemCanvass Pursuant to A.R.S. §48-707(D), canvass of the election results for the February 19, 2025, Special Purpose District Election.   Not Available
File ID 18428 114. Agenda ItemPublic Safety in Remote Areas of Pima County Discussion/Direction regarding the development of a Pima County Remote Area Public Safety Plan by the County Administrator, working with the Office of Emergency Management, the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, et al., to include but not limited to the exploration of additional tools and options to enhance public safety in underserved, remote areas of Pima County. Staff will deliver a draft plan within 90 days, together with its fiscal impact. (District 4)   Not Available
File ID 18417 115. Agenda ItemUpdate on County Initiatives to Address Homelessness and Public Safety   Not Available
File ID 18419 116. Agenda ItemUpdate on Federal and State Executive, Legislative and Judicial Actions that affect Pima County   Not Available
File ID 18410 117. Agenda ItemProposed Settlement in Therese Deschenes, et al. v. Pima County, et al. Discussion/Direction/Action regarding a proposed settlement in Therese Deschenes, et al. v. Pima County, et al., C20180857.   Not Available
File ID 18411 118. Agenda ItemProposed Settlement in William Farmer, et al. v. Pima County, et al. Discussion/Direction/Action regarding a proposed settlement in William Farmer, et al. v. Pima County, et al., C20190642.   Not Available
File ID 18412 119. Agenda ItemSettlement Recommendation in BP 5411 Investors, L.L.C. v. Pima County Discussion/Direction/Action regarding a settlement recommendation in BP 5411 Investors, L.L.C. v. Pima County, TX2024-000134.   Not Available
File ID 18394 120. Agenda ItemUNFINISHED BUSINESS (2/18/25) Fiscal Year (FY) 2025/26 Requested Budget Supplemental Overview Discussion/Direction/Action: Review of the supplemental requests submitted by County departments and elected offices for inclusion in the FY 2025/26 County Administrator’s Recommended Budget.   Not Available
File ID 18377 121. Contract and/or AwardAward Amendment of Award: Supplier Contract No. SC2400001025, Amendment No. 7, ASAVET Veterinary Services, L.L.C., d.b.a. Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic, AWASA, to provide for spay and neuter services. This amendment extends the term of the contract commencing on 3/12/25 and terminating on 3/11/26, increases the shared not-to-exceed contract amount by $400,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $2,400,000.00, and appends the Heat Injury and Illness Prevention and Safety Plan provision to the contract, pursuant to Pima County Procurement Code 11.40.30. The extension is needed to continue to allow for spay and neuter services while a replacement contract is established. Funding Source: General Fund. Administering Department: Pima Animal Care Center.   Not Available
File ID 18388 122. Contract and/or AwardAward Amendment of Award: Supplier Contract No. SC2400001656, Amendment No. 2, APL Access & Security, Inc., to provide for security systems, parts, and service. This amendment is for a one-time increase in the amount of $25,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $745,000.00. The increase is required to maintain sufficient capacity for cameras and systems across County facilities until the next renewal. A significant portion of the current contract capacity was used for the completion of the large Superior Court project, which involved replacing the security system, including cameras, wiring, and the video wall. Funding Source: General Fund. Administering Department: Facilities Management.   Not Available
File ID 18416 123. Contract and/or AwardAward: Contract No. PO2500004343, Hunter Contracting Co. (Headquarters: Gilbert, AZ) to provide Pre-Construction Services for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) services: Canoa Ranch Sewer Extension (3CRAEX). This award of contract is recommended to the highest qualified contractor in the amount of $440,103.92 for a contract term of 3/4/25 to 3/3/28. Funding Source: RWRD Obligations Fund. Administering Department: Regional Wastewater Reclamation. This project is expected to have multiple Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP’s) for construction services. The CMAR contractor’s construction budget is not-to-exceed $12,000,000.00. Board of Supervisors to authorize the Procurement Director to execute all modifications, including one or more GMP packages, provided that the cumulative total of all GMP’s and pre-construction services does not exceed $12,440,103.92 and the contract expiration date does not exceed 3/3/28, which allows for all contract close-out activities and final submittals.   Not Available
File ID 18418 124. Contract and/or AwardElection Systems & Software, L.L.C., Amendment No. 4, to provide for an elections voting system and related services and amend contractual language, General Fund, contract amount $954,000.00 (SC2400000794) Administering Department: Elections   Not Available
File ID 18421 125. Contract and/or AwardDesert Archaeology, Inc., Amendment No. 9, to provide for Cultural Resource Services for Segment II of the Silverbell Road Improvement Project, extend contract term to 3/31/26 and amend contractual language, no cost (PO2500001515) Administering Department: Conservation Lands and Resources   Not Available
File ID 18429 126. Contract and/or AwardKiewit Infrastructure West Co., Amendment No. 4, to provide for Design-Build Services: Sidestream Anitamox Process (3ANOMX), extend contract term to 12/31/27, amend contractual language and scope of services, RWRD Obligations Fund, contract amount $16,000,000.00 (PO2400013641) Administering Department: Regional Wastewater Reclamation   Not Available
File ID 18399 127. Agenda ItemAcceptance - Community and Workforce Development Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Arizona Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training Disaster Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant Program, extend grant term to 9/30/25 and amend grant language, no cost (GA-CWD-65873)   Not Available
File ID 18402 128. Agenda ItemAcceptance - County Attorney Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona, to provide for the Arizona Collaborative Justice Initiative, $43,758.00 (G-PCA-70385)   Not Available
File ID 18395 129. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Code Text Amendment ORDINANCE NO. 2025 - 3, of the Board of Supervisors, relating to the public display of fireworks; amending the Pima County Code, Chapter 9.04.   Not Available
File ID 18333 130. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Liquor License Job No. 316108, Timothy Jay Jardee, San Xavier Moose Lodge 1964 Loyal Order of Moose, Inc., 9022 S. Nogales Highway, Tucson, Series 14, Club, New License.   Not Available
File ID 18422 131. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Rezoning P24RZ00003, HAWKS AZ LAND, L.L.C. - W. PECOS WAY REZONING Hawks AZ Land, L.L.C., represented by Paradigm Land Design, request a rezoning of approximately 114.2 acres (Parcel Codes 224-44-050A, 224-44-051A, 224-44-051B, 224-44-051C, 224-44-052A, 224-44-052B, and 224-44-052C) from the SR (Suburban Ranch) zone to the CR-1 (Single Residence) (Cluster Development Option) and CR-1® (Single Residence - Restricted) zone, located on the north and south sides of W. Pecos Way, at the southeast corner of N. Thornydale Road and W. Lambert Lane. The proposed rezoning conforms to the Pima County Comprehensive Plan which designates the property as Low Intensity Urban 0.3. On motion, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 9-0 (Commissioner Hook was absent) to recommend APPROVAL SUBJECT TO STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Staff recommends APPROVAL SUBJECT TO STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 18423 132. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Zoning Code Text Amendment P22TA00003, TITLE 18 ZONING An Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of Pima County, Arizona, relating to Zoning (Title 18); amending the Pima County Code Chapter 18.63 (Historic Zone) Section 18.63.040 to modernize and refine the criteria for historic designation, historic district zones, and landmark zones; amending Section 18.63.050 (Establishment) to add reference to a Plans Review Subcommittee of the Historical Commission, to define submittal requirements for Historic District Zone Applications, and to change “Office to Sustainability and Conservation” to “Cultural Resources and Historic Preservation Office”; amending Section 18.63.060 (Historic District Zone Advisory Boards) to modify parameters for initiation and establishment, composition, and to add terms; amending Section 18.63.070 (Development Zones) to fix grammatical error; amending Section 18.63.080 (New Construction or Alterations) to replace “Design Review Committee” with “Plans Review Subcommittee of the Historical Commission” for all Design Plan Review Procedures pertaining to Hi   Not Available
File ID 18424 133. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Rezoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 2025 - 5, P24RZ00002, 1722 Ina, L.L.C. - W. Ina Road Rezoning. Owner: 1722 Ina, L.L.C. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 18425 134. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Rezoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 2025 - 6, P24RZ00005, Taylor - W. Dorsey Street Rezoning. Owner: Rebecca Taylor. (District 3)   Not Available
File ID 18426 135. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Rezoning Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2025 - 4, Co9-88-80, Landon - Oracle Road Rezoning. Owner: Hilltop Farm, L.L.C. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 18427 136. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning Resolution and Ordinance P23CR00001, Maryvale Development, L.L.C. - W. Violet Avenue Plan Amendment and Rezoning. Owner: Maryvale Development, L.L.C. (District 3) If approved, pass and adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2025 - 5 and ORDINANCE NO. 2025 - 7   Not Available
File ID 18453 15. Agenda ItemUNFINISHED BUSINESS (3/4/25) COVID-19 Presidential Executive Orders and Pima County Employees Discussion/Direction/Action regarding the impact of the recent recission and execution of multiple COVID-19 related Presidential Executive Orders on Pima County employees, including but not limited to those who left the county’s employ, were charged differential health insurance rates, or were rehired in a lesser role or pay rate, together with a report of the status of any related litigation. (District 4)   Not Available
File ID 18454 16. Agenda ItemUNFINISHED BUSINESS (3/4/25) Aerospace Research Campus Discussion/Direction regarding an update from County Administration on the status of past, present, and proposed companies within Pima County’s Aerospace Research Campus. (District 4)   Not Available
File ID 18435 17. Addendum Conflict of Interest Waiver Discussion/Direction/Action regarding Mesch, Clark & Rothschild, P.C.’s request for a conflict of interest waiver.   Not Available
File ID 18437 18. Addendum Arizona Department of Education Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Discussion/Direction/Action regarding IGA No. 23-15-ED with the Arizona Department of Education.   Not Available
File ID 18457 19. Addendum Settlement Recommendation in TNR & S Acquisition, Inc. v. Pima County Discussion/Direction/Action regarding a settlement recommendation in TNR & S Acquisition, Inc. v. Pima County, TX2023-000226.   Not Available
File ID 18442 110. Addendum Tucson Center for Women & Children, Inc., d.b.a. Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse, to provide for the Emergency Solutions Grant Emergency Shelter - Comprehensive Services. HUD Fund, contract amount $33,010.00 (PO2500000412)   Not Available
File ID 18443 111. Addendum Compass Affordable Housing, Inc., to provide for the Pima County Countywide Rapid Rehousing Program, Arizona Department of Housing - State Housing Trust Fund Program Fund, contract amount $540,000.00 (PO2400015971)   Not Available
File ID 18452 112. Addendum Spire Development, Inc., to provide a Development and Purchase Agreement for property located at the southeast corner of East Drexel Road and Bonney Avenue for the development of a low income affordable rental unit complex, contract amount $200.00 revenue/3 year term (CT2500000009)   Not Available
File ID 18439 113. Addendum Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Emergency Solutions Grant and revise grant term to 12/8/26, no cost (GA-CWD-81574)   Not Available
File ID 18440 114. Addendum Acceptance - Health Arizona Department of Health Services, to provide for Pima County Heat Mitigation, $500,000.00/5 year term (G-HD-83591)   Not Available
File ID 18403 11. Consent ItemRemoval of Continued Item Due to the approval of the County Administrator’s new contract on January 7, 2025, Supervisor Heinz requests the following continued item be removed from the agenda: UNFINISHED BUSINESS (1/23/24) County Administrator Salary Adjustment Discussion/Direction/Action regarding adjusting the salary of County Administrator Jan Lesher upwards to be more competitive with market rates and more in line with Ms. Lesher’s qualifications and experience. (District 2)   Not Available
File ID 18405 12. Consent ItemPima County Regional Affordable Housing Commission Ratification of City of South Tucson appointment: Irma Gonzalez, to replace Imelda Robles. Term expiration: 2/6/27. (Jurisdictional recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 18406 13. Consent ItemWorkforce Investment Board Reappointments of Jorge Rivero, representing GECD; TANF; Business and Danielle Duarte, representing Business. Term expirations: 9/30/27. (Staff recommendations)   Not Available
File ID 18415 14. Consent ItemState Board of Equalization Reappointment of Neil Konigsberg. Term expiration: 12/31/28. (District 5)   Not Available
File ID 18396 15. Consent ItemSpecial Event · Peter Lynn Schultz, San Xavier Lodge No. 1964, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc., 9022 S. Nogales Highway, Tucson, February 22, 2025. · Geoffrey William Hill, Tucson Conquistadores Foundation, La Paloma Country Club and The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa, 3660 E. Sunrise Drive, Tucson, March 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, 2025. · Alejandro Torres, Corpus Christi Catholic Church Parish - Tucson, 300 N. Tanque Verde Loop Road, March 1, 2025.   Not Available
File ID 18414 16. Consent ItemPrecinct Committeemen Pursuant to A.R.S. §16-821B, approval of Precinct Committeemen resignations and appointments: RESIGNATION-PRECINCT-PARTY: Ricky Sage-009-DEM, Carol Schloff-021-DEM, Daniel Schloff-021-DEM, Andrés Cano-044-DEM, Karl Aurand-054-DEM, Mary Aderman-084-DEM, Linda Robertson-084-DEM, Nancy Koff-088-DEM, Karen Gleason-091-DEM, Diana Herz-091-DEM, Kay Schriner-145-DEM, Darrell Parrish Bakeman-169-DEM, Leslie Stellman-173-DEM, Michael Graham-210-DEM, Steven Marks-220-DEM, Erika Arett-238-DEM, Larry Wood-238-REP, Neil Kight-036-GRN APPOINTMENT-PRECINCT-PARTY: Michael Wilson-010-DEM, Darrel Parrish Bakeman-014-DEM, Jennifer Martin-040-DEM, Roger Vandenabeele-040-DEM, Sadie Shaw-042-DEM, Donald Gates-073-DEM, Leighton Rockafellow, Jr.-073-DEM, Brenda Allee-Bates-074-DEM, Gabrielle Rios-078-DEM, Lauren Burson-082-DEM, Alexander Kack-082-DEM, Janine Baxter-084-DEM, Margaret Maytag-084-DEM, Joan Will-088-DEM, Alex Sanchez-127-DEM, Beverly Lake-141-DEM, Donald Lamey-141-DEM, Andrés Cano-143-DEM, Eric Sonera-153-DEM, Aaron Ezekiel-171-DEM, Ron Deutsch-184-DEM, Stephen Kelsey-   Not Available
File ID 18431 17. Consent ItemMinutes: December 3, 2024 Warrants: February, 2025   Not Available