Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/17/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board of Supervisors' Hearing Room
Published agenda: Agenda and Addendum Agenda and Addendum Published minutes: Not Available  
Agenda packet: Not Available
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction Details
File ID 17835 15. Agenda ItemPresentation of a proclamation to Peggy Gibson and Nellie Sprunt, proclaiming the week of September 17 through September 23, 2024 to be: "CONSTITUTION WEEK"   Not Available
File ID 17836 16. Agenda ItemPresentation of a proclamation to Jessica Ogiba and Ed Anderson, proclaiming the month of October 2024 to be: "EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP MONTH"   Not Available
File ID 17848 19. Agenda ItemBoard of Supervisors Representative Updates on Boards, Committees and Commissions and Any Other Municipalities   Not Available
File ID 17853 110. Agenda Item(Clerk’s Note: This item will be heard at a time certain of 10:30 a.m.) Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona Presentation Presentation of Malea Chavez, Chief Executive Officer of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, to provide an update on the Community Food Bank and an overview of the services it offers. (District 5)   Not Available
File ID 17849 111. Agenda ItemPima County Housing Trust Fund - Funding Options Discussion/Direction/Action regarding initial options, including the pros, cons, and legal requirements for a dedicated funding source, or sources, to achieve annual revenues of at least $10 million per year for affordable housing development and preservation starting in Fiscal Year 2026.   Not Available
File ID 17872 112. Agenda ItemFinal Plat With Assurances P23FP00015, Rocking K South Neighborhood 5 Parcel H, Lots 1-21, Common Area ‘A’ & ‘B’. (District 4)   Not Available
File ID 17876 113. Agenda ItemFinal Plat With Assurances Resubdivision, P24FP00001, Star Valley Block 3, Phase 2 Lots 1-85, Common Area “A1-A5”, “B” & “C”. (District 5)   Not Available
File ID 17877 114. Agenda ItemFinal Plat With Assurances P24FP00006, Rocking K South Neighborhood 5 Parcel I, Lots 1-174, Common Area ‘A’ & ‘B’. (District 4)   Not Available
File ID 17864 115. Agenda ItemElection Integrity Commission (EIC) Recommendation to Support AVID Funding The Election Integrity Commission recommends the support of funding AVID through the use of Arizona State general election funds and that a formal recommendation be sent to Governor Hobbs, on behalf of the EIC.   Not Available
File ID 17854 116. Agenda Item(Clerk’s Note: This item will be heard at a time certain of 10:45 a.m.) Monthly Financial Update Discussion/Direction/Action regarding a monthly financial update on the County's financial performance.   Not Available
File ID 17878 117. Agenda ItemSingle Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program RESOLUTION NO. 2024 - 54, of the Board of Supervisors, approving the proceedings of the Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima and the Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program of 2025 of the Industrial Development Authority of the County of Pima (which may also include the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Tucson, Arizona); approving standards and requirements related thereto; approving a general plan related thereto; approving program documents related thereto; and authorizing and approving the issuance of its not-to-exceed $150,000,000.00 Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, in one or more series or subseries; and declaring an emergency.   Not Available
File ID 17852 118. Contract and/or AwardSouthwest Nonprofit Housing Corporation, Rio Azul Apartments, L.L.C., to provide for an Affordable Housing Gap Funding Agreement and Affordable Housing Restrictive Covenant for the Rio Azul Apartments Project, General Fund, contract amount $1,000,000.00 (PO2400003678)   Not Available
File ID 17863 119. Contract and/or AwardAspire Business Consultants, Inc., Amendment No. 1, to provide for financial accounting and reporting services - Pima Vocational High School, extend contract term to 6/30/25 and amend contractual language, State Equalization Fund, contract amount $35,000.00 (CT-23-346)   Not Available
File ID 17884 120. Contract and/or AwardArizona Game and Fish Department, Amendment No. 1, to provide for fence installation and surveys at abandoned mine features at Tucson Mountain Park, extend contract term to 10/1/25 and amend contractual language, no cost (PO2400006252)   Not Available
File ID 17865 121. Contract and/or AwardOld Pueblo Community Services, to provide for Opioid Abatement Funding - Coordinated Reentry Planning Services Programs, Attorney General State of Arizona Opioid Abatement Grant Fund, contract amount $249,000.00 (PO2400000685)   Not Available
File ID 17866 122. Contract and/or AwardLeCroy & Milligan Associates, Inc., to provide for Opioid Abatement Funding - Coordinated Reentry Planning Services Programs, Attorney General State of Arizona Opioid Abatement Grant Fund, contract amount $89,704.00 (PO2400000758)   Not Available
File ID 17883 123. Contract and/or AwardCommunity Bridges, Inc., to provide for Inmate Navigation Enrollment Support and Training Project, Attorney General State of Arizona Opioid Abatement Grant Fund, contract amount $261,351.20 (PO2400000864)   Not Available
File ID 17882 124. Contract and/or AwardPima County Community College District, to provide an intergovernmental agreement for Pima County Aviation Alliance, American Rescue Plan Act - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, contract amount $35,822.00 (PO2400005863)   Not Available
File ID 17890 125. Contract and/or AwardU.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, to provide a Communications Use Lease for Ground Air Transmit Receive (GATR) Communications Site, no cost/28 year term (SC2400002242)   Not Available
File ID 17850 126. Contract and/or AwardHeirloom Farmer’s Market, Inc., Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Rillito Regional Park Farmer’s Market, extend contract term to 10/17/29 and amend contractual language, contract amount $110,000.00 revenue (CTN-PR-20-23)   Not Available
File ID 17851 127. Contract and/or AwardYMCA of Metropolitan Tucson, to provide a promissory note for repayment of 50% of the total cost of the replacement of pool filters at the Northwest YMCA campus, contract amount $288,491.22 revenue/3 year term (CT2400000026)   Not Available
File ID 17867 128. Contract and/or AwardOrigami Risk, L.L.C., Amendment No. 6, to provide for risk management information system, amend contractual language and scope of services, General Fund, contract amount $50,000.00 (SC2400000793) Administering Department: Finance and Risk Management   Not Available
File ID 17887 129. Contract and/or AwardSundt Construction, Inc., to provide for Construction Manager at Risk Services: Superior Court - Public Service Center Tenant Improvement (XSCPSC), Non-Bond Projects Funds (Capital Project Funds), contract amount $266,168.00/5 year term (PO2400005178) Administering Department: Project Design & Construction   Not Available
File ID 17880 130. Contract and/or AwardMaher Pedersoli and Mary Pedersoli, to provide for Sales Agreement No. Sale-0119 and Special Warranty Deed for property located at 5081 N. Kolb Road, Lot 49 Quail Canyon, Tax Parcel No. 114-13-0700, contract amount $131,000.00 revenue (CT2400000030)   Not Available
File ID 17881 131. Contract and/or AwardSouthwest Gas Corporation, to provide for a Non-Exclusive Franchise Agreement to operate natural gas facilities within public rights-of-way, no cost/25 year term (SC2400002268)   Not Available
File ID 17885 132. Contract and/or AwardFarmers Investment Co., Amendment No. 1, to provide for a First Amendment to Lease Agreement, extend contract term to 8/31/29 and amend contractual language, PR - Continental GV Fund, contract amount $5.00 (PO2400006322)   Not Available
File ID 17846 133. Agenda ItemAcceptance - Grants Management and Innovation U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Grant Programs Directorate, to provide for the Shelter and Services Program - Competitive for the term 10/1/24 - 9/30/26, $18,706,639.00/2 year term (G-GMI-74766)   Not Available
File ID 17847 134. Agenda ItemAcceptance - Health Arizona Department of Health Services, Amendment No. 2, to provide for immunization services, extend grant term to 6/30/25 and amend grant language, no cost (GA-HD-70293)   Not Available
File ID 17858 135. Agenda ItemAcceptance - Justice Services John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Amendment No. 3, to provide for the Safety and Justice Challenge Focused on Racial Equity Cohort and extend grant term to 12/31/24, no cost (GA-JS-66342)   Not Available
File ID 17860 136. Agenda ItemAcceptance - Sheriff State of Arizona Office of the Arizona Attorney General, to provide for the Victims’ Rights Program, $36,600.00 (G-SD-70357)   Not Available
File ID 17861 137. Agenda ItemAcceptance - Sheriff Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, to provide for the Pima County Wireless Integrated Network Radio Replacement Project, $3,520,000.00/4 year term (G-SD-74203)   Not Available
File ID 17862 138. Agenda ItemAcceptance - Sheriff U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, to provide for the Pima County Adult Detention Complex, $458,000.00/4 year term (G-SD-74260)   Not Available
File ID 17775 139. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Fireworks Permit Erin Kallish, Caterpillar, Inc., 5000 W. Caterpillar Trail, Green Valley, September 26, 2024 at 8:30 p.m.   Not Available
File ID 17777 140. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Fireworks Permit Erin Kallish, Caterpillar, Inc., 5000 W. Caterpillar Trail, Green Valley, September 27, 2024 at 8:30 p.m.   Not Available
File ID 17778 141. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Fireworks Permit Erin Kallish, Caterpillar, Inc., 5000 W. Caterpillar Trail, Green Valley, September 28, 2024 at 8:30 p.m.   Not Available
File ID 17868 142. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Concurrent Plan Amendment and Rezoning P23CR00001, MARYVALE DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. - W. VIOLET AVENUE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING Maryvale Development, L.L.C., represented by The Planning Center, request a concurrent plan amendment and rezoning to amend the Comprehensive Plan from Neighborhood Activity Center (NAC) to Industrial (I) and to rezone from CR-4 (Mixed-Dwelling Type) to CI-1 (Light Industrial/Warehousing) zone on approximately .94 acres (Parcel Codes 103-07-0050 and 103-07-0060). The site is located on the north side of W. Violet Avenue, approximately 100 feet east of the T-intersection of N. Maryvale Avenue and W. Violet Avenue, in Section 21, T13S, R13E, in the Central Planning Area. On motion, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 10-0 to recommend APPROVAL SUBJECT TO STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Staff recommends APPROVAL SUBJECT TO STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS. (District 3)   Not Available
File ID 17870 143. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Rezoning P24RZ00005, TAYLOR - W. DORSEY STREET REZONING Rebecca Taylor represented by Clifford and Fonda Ritchie, request a rezoning of approximately 0.22 acres from the CR-4 (Mixed-Dwelling Type) to the CMH-1 (County Manufactured and Mobile Home-1) zone, located on the northwest corner of W. Dorsey Street and N. D’Armitt Avenue, addressed as 1634 W. Dorsey Street. The proposed rezoning conforms to the Pima County Comprehensive Plan which designates the property for Medium Intensity Urban. On motion, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 10-0 to recommend APPROVAL SUBJECT TO STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Staff recommends APPROVAL SUBJECT TO STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS. (District 3)   Not Available
File ID 17871 144. Public Hearing Item(Clerk’s Note: These items require two separate motions and votes.) Hearing - Time Extension, Modification (Non-Substantial Change) of Rezoning Condition A. Hearing - Rezoning Time Extension Co9-88-80, LANDON - ORACLE ROAD REZONING Hilltop Farm, L.L.C., represented by Oracle Engineering Group, Inc., request a five-year time extension on an approximately 3.2-acre rezoning from the GR-1 (GZ-1) (Rural Residential - Urban Gateway Overlay Zone) to the CB-2 (GZ-1) (General Business - Urban Gateway Overlay Zone), located on the west side of N. Oracle Road approximately 650 feet north of N. Lupine Place, and addressed as 15801 and 15803 N. Oracle Road. The rezoning was conditionally approved on February 7, 1989, has received six rezoning time extensions and expired February 7, 2022. Staff recommends APPROVAL OF THE FIVE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION SUBJECT TO ORIGINAL AND MODIFIED STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS. (District 1) B. Hearing - Modification (Non-Substantial Change) of Rezoning Condition Co9-88-80, LANDON - ORACLE ROAD REZONING Hilltop Farm, L.L.C., represented by Oracle Engineering Group   Not Available
File ID 17873 145. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Rezoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 2024 - 12, P21RZ00008, Vistoso Catalina L.P., et al. - E. Golder Ranch Road Rezoning (Lago Del Oro Zoning Plan). Owner: Title Security Agency, L.L.C. TR 201665-T. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 17874 146. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Rezoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 2024 - 13, P23RZ00006, Yarbrough Tr - W. Ironwood Hill Drive Rezoning. Owner: Leland & Velma Yarbrough Tr. (District 5)   Not Available
File ID 17875 147. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Rezoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 2024 - 14, P24SP00001, Unified Holdings, L.L.C. - S. Arcadia Avenue Specific Plan Rezoning. Owner: Unified Holdings, L.L.C. (District 2)   Not Available
File ID 17879 148. Public Hearing ItemHearing - Solicitation No. RFP24000243, Landscape Maintenance Services and Repairs A. Appeal of Procurement Director’s Decision Pursuant to Pima County Code 11.20.010(H), CDK Design, L.L.C., d.b.a. Arcadia Landscape, appeals the decision of the Procurement Director regarding Solicitation No. RFP24000243, Landscape Maintenance Services and Repairs. B. Award Award: Multiple Supplier Contracts, to provide for landscape maintenance and repair services. These contracts are for an initial term of one (1) year in the annual award amount of $1,320,000.00 (including sales tax) and includes four (4) one-year renewal options. Funding Source: General Fund. Administering Department: Facilities Management. Group No./Vendor Name (Headquarters)/Supplier Contract No./Annual Award Amount Group A/Underwood Brothers, Inc. (Phoenix, AZ)/SC2400002235/$1,000,000.00 Group B/CDK Design, L.L.C. (Tucson, AZ)/SC2400002236/$320,000.00   Not Available
File ID 17894 11. Addendum Presentation of a proclamation to Carolyn Campbell, Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection, proclaiming the day of Saturday, September 21, 2024 to be: "CAROLYN CAMPBELL APPRECIATION DAY”   Not Available
File ID 17897 12. Addendum Presentation of a proclamation to Richard Noel and Ron Burton, Drum Up for Peace Tucson, proclaiming the day of Saturday, September 28, 2024 to be: "INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY IN PIMA COUNTY"   Not Available
File ID 17904 13. Addendum Presentation of a proclamation to Marjava Ramirez, Gilbert Ybarra and Ana Camarillo, Pima County Toy Drive Campaign Committee; Alejandra Baltazar Carlat, Director, and Chuck Peralta, Recreation Aide, John Valenzuela Youth Center; Frank Garcia, Fernando Bonillas, Tim Rodriguez and Ray Wilson, Officers, Stylistics Car Club, proclaiming October 7 through December 6, 2024 to be: "ANNUAL TOY DRIVE DAYS IN PIMA COUNTY"   Not Available
File ID 17903 14. Addendum Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A)(3) and (4), for legal advice and direction regarding a proposed settlement in Julie Pitz v. Pima County, et al., Superior Court Case No. C20220730.   Not Available
File ID 17899 15. Addendum Attorney General’s Office Response regarding Request for Independent Investigation Discussion/Direction/Action regarding the County Administrator's memorandum of September 4, 2024, entitled "Response from the Attorney General's Office regarding Request for Independent Investigation". (District 4)   Not Available
File ID 17900 16. Addendum (Clerk’s Note: This item will be heard at a time certain of 11:00 a.m.) Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Next Draft Plan Presentation Discussion: A presentation from General Ted Maxwell (Ret.), the chair of the RTA Board, on the RTA Next draft plan currently being considered by the RTA Board. The RTA Board will next meet on September 26. After General Maxwell’s presentation, he will be available to respond to questions from Board members. (District 1)   Not Available
File ID 17905 17. Addendum Avra Valley Irrigation and Drainage District Annual Election Cancellation Discussion/Action regarding a request, pursuant to A.R.S. §16-410(A), to cancel the annual election of the Board of Directors of the Avra Valley Irrigation and Drainage District and appoint Craig Bratton as Director of Division III of the Avra Valley Irrigation and Drainage District, to serve a 3-year term, effective January 1, 2025.   Not Available
File ID 17902 18. Addendum Proposed Settlement in Julie Pitz v. Pima County Discussion/Direction/Action regarding a proposed settlement in Julie Pitz v. Pima County, et al., Superior Court Case No. C20220730.   Not Available
File ID 17907 19. Addendum Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance, to provide for Public Art Coordinator Services, Various Capital Improvement Program Funds, contract amount $146,160.00/2 year term (SC2400002267)   Not Available
File ID 17895 110. Addendum Corrections Officer Retirement Board Reappointment of Leo Duffner. Term expiration: 12/31/27. (Chair recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 17896 111. Addendum Public Safety Personnel Retirement Board Reappointment of Leo Duffner. Term expiration: 12/31/27. (Chair recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 17837 11. Consent ItemPima County/Tucson Women’s Commission Reappointment of Lisa Nutt. Term expiration: 5/19/26. (Commission recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 17843 12. Consent ItemRegional Affordable Housing Commission · Ratification of Town of Sahuarita appointment: Nathan Barrett, to replace Anna Casadei. Term expiration: 12/5/26. (Jurisdictional recommendation) · Ratification of City of Tucson appointment: Daniel Bursuck, to replace Sarah Meggison. Term expiration: 12/19/26. (Jurisdictional recommendation)   Not Available
File ID 17844 13. Consent ItemWorkforce Investment Board Reappointments of Dr. Deborah Bright, representing Business, and Victor Gonzalez, representing GECD; Philanthropic Organization. Term expirations: 9/30/27. (Staff recommendations)   Not Available
File ID 17857 14. Consent ItemBoard of Adjustment, District 3 Appointment of Beverley Hester, to fill a vacancy created by Brian Kopcsik. Term expiration: 9/16/28.   Not Available
File ID 17869 15. Consent ItemLibrary Advisory Board Appointment of Anna Sanchez, to replace Elizabeth Soltero. Term expiration: 6/30/25. (District 5)   Not Available
File ID 17841 16. Consent ItemSpecial Event · John Walter Kenning, Jr., Santa Catalina Catholic Church, 14380 N. Oracle Road, Tucson, September 24, 2024. · Alejandro Torres, Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Parish - Tucson, 300 N. Tanque Verde Loop Road, Tucson, September 28, 2024. · Meredith Bode, TMC Foundation, The Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa, 3800 E. Sunrise Drive, Tucson, November 16, 2024.   Not Available
File ID 17859 17. Consent ItemTemporary Extension 06100203, Jeffrey Craig Miller, Hot Rods Old Vail, 10500 E. Old Vail Road, Tucson, October 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17 and 18, 2024.   Not Available
File ID 17842 18. Consent ItemDuplicate Warrants - For Ratification Barbara Jane Tellman $150.00; Unifirst Corporation $1,521.22; The University of Arizona $21,484.94; Al Terrence Hutchinson $734.76; Waste Management of Arizona, Inc., $200.34; Nicole Tapia $1,000.00; The University of Arizona $27,923.32; SJM Premier Medical Group, L.L.C., $5,903.40; Nahrin Jabro $75.72; Waste Management of Arizona, Inc., $22,332.93; Patrick Coppen $4,705.00; City of Tucson $51,342.84; Patrick Coppen $1,000.00; Diaper Bank of Southern Arizona $2,111.85; Kelsey Camps $232.91; Kelsey Camps $93.50; Kelsey Camps $178.16; Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc., $5,327.26; Pima County Justice Court $19,000.00; Ada Rojas $13,635.62; Pauline Maria Kousoulas $1,095.00; City of Tucson $1,330.26; Andrea M. Santamarina $203.08; Kossi Venuny Ekpeh $271.50; Robert Christopher King $2,011.90; Pauline Maria Kousoulas $2,155.00.   Not Available
File ID 17891 19. Consent ItemMinutes: July 2, 2024   Not Available