File ID 18208
| 1 | 6. | | Agenda Item | Oath of Office to be administered by the Honorable Danelle Liwski, Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, for elected officials of Pima County:
Rex Scott, District 1
Dr. Matt Heinz, District 2
Jennifer Allen, District 3
Steve Christy, District 4
Adelita S. Grijalva, District 5
Suzanne Droubie
Laura Conover
Gabriella Cázares-Kelly
Dustin Williams
Chris Nanos
Brian Johnson
Erica Cornejo, Precinct No. 2
Charlene Pesquiera, Precinct No. 4
Alexander Ball, Precinct No. 6
Renee Ann Garza, Precinct No. 9
Robert J. Forman, Precinct No. 10
Mark Roosevelt, Precinct No. 1
Tracy Ethridge-Nielsen, Precinct No. 4
Bennett L. Bernal, Precinct No. 6
Thomas Schenek, Jr., Precinct No. 7
Christopher Toth, Precinct No. 8
John Cammarano, Precinct No. 10 | | |
Not Available
File ID 18209
| 1 | 7. | | Agenda Item | Board of Supervisors Procedural Organization
A. Selection of Chair and Vice Chair.
B. Appointment of the Clerk of the Board.
C. Appointment of the Sergeant at Arms. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18174
| 1 | 8. | | Agenda Item | Recognition
Recognition of the retirement of Olga Valenzuela, Administrative Assistant II, Transportation Department, for 42 years of service. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18260
| 1 | 1. | | Addendum | Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3) and (4), for legal advice, and for discussion or consideration of any matter within the scope of A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1), regarding the employment contract for County Administrator, Jan Lesher. As required by §38-431.03(D), any legal action must be taken in public session. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18215
| 1 | 10. | | Agenda Item | Contract
SFPP, L.P., Amendment No. 1, to provide a Facility Adjustment and Reimbursement Agreement for Gardner Lane UPRR culverts, extend contract term to 11/1/26 and amend contractual language, FC Capital Projects Fund, contract amount $3,395,260.00 (PO2400016804) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18249
| 1 | 12. | | Agenda Item | Appointment of Board Members to Boards, Committees and Commissions
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding the nomination of members of the Board of Supervisors to serve as the appointee to the following:
· Arizona Border Counties Coalition
· County Supervisors Association (Legislative Policy Committee)
· Pima Association of Governments
· Regional Transportation Authority
· Sun Corridor, Inc.
· Visit Tucson
· Metropolitan Education Commission
· Board of Health | | |
Not Available
File ID 18254
| 1 | 13. | | Agenda Item | Medical Insurance for County Employees - Fiscal Year 2025/26
Staff recommends approval of the recommendations detailed in the County Administrator’s Memorandum dated January 7, 2025. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18211
| 1 | 14. | | Agenda Item | Quarterly Report on Collections
Staff recommends acceptance of the Quarterly Report on Collections for the period ending September 30, 2024. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18218
| 1 | 15. | | Agenda Item | Renaming of the Pima County Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission
RESOLUTION NO. 2025 - 1, of the Board of Supervisors, authorizing the renaming of the Pima County Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission to the Pima County Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18243
| 1 | 16. | | Agenda Item | Designation of Public Right-of-Way
Staff recommends approval of a designation of Public Right-of-Way on a portion of River Road. (District 1) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18212
| 1 | 17. | | Agenda Item | Flowing Wells Irrigation District
Pursuant to A.R.S. §16-642(B), presentation of the certified copy of the official canvass for the November 12, 2024 election conducted by the Flowing Wells Irrigation District. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18219
| 1 | 18. | | Contract and/or Award | City of Tucson, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, extend contract term to 2/27/29 and amend contractual language, no cost (SC2400002366) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18221
| 1 | 19. | | Contract and/or Award | Desert Dove Apartments, L.P., to provide an Affordable Housing Gap Funding Agreement and Affordable Housing Restrictive Covenant for Desert Dove Apartments, General Fund:
A. Contract expense amount $1,000,000.00 (PO2400011991)
B. Contract revenue amount $1,600,000.00 (CT2400000062) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18247
| 1 | 20. | | Contract and/or Award | Green Valley Assistance Services, d.b.a. Valley Assistance Services, Amendment No. 1, to provide for Emergency Solutions Grant - Emergency Shelter, extend contract term to 6/30/25 and amend contractual language, no cost (PO2400016875) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18223
| 1 | 21. | | Contract and/or Award | Friends of Tucson’s Birthplace, Inc., Amendment No. 2, to provide for the development, operation and maintenance of Mission Garden, amend contractual language and scope of services, CLR Special Revenue Fund, contract amount $100,000.00 (PO2400015901) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18216
| 1 | 22. | | Contract and/or Award | Bruce Wayne, L.L.C., Amendment No. 6, to provide for a Sixth Amendment to 3550 N. 1st Avenue Lease, extend contract term to 6/30/25 and amend contractual language, Health and Grant Funds, contract amount $94,663.33 (CT-19-323) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18220
| 1 | 23. | | Contract and/or Award | Amphitheater Unified School District No. 10, to provide an intergovernmental agreement for Coronado K-8 School utility assistance, General Fund, contract amount $15,000.00 per year/10 year term (PO2400013013) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18233
| 1 | 24. | | Contract and/or Award | Award
Award: Supplier Contract No. SC2400002399, RWC International, L.L.C., d.b.a. RWC Group (Headquarters: Phoenix, AZ), to provide for the purchase of heavy trucks. The supplier contract is for an initial term of one (1) year in the annual award amount of $1,450,000.00 (including sales tax) and includes four (4) one-year renewal options. Funding Source: Fleet Services Ops Fund. Administering Department: Fleet Services. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18244
| 1 | 25. | | Contract and/or Award | Award
Amendment of Award: Supplier Contract No. SC2400001279, Amendment No. 2, AT&T Corp., to provide for AT&T wireless services, equipment and accessories. This amendment is for a one-time increase in the amount of $5,000,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $9,500,000.00. Funding Source: General Fund. Administering Department: Information Technology. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18245
| 1 | 26. | | Contract and/or Award | Award
Amendment of Award: Supplier Contract No. SC2400001752, Amendment No. 3, MBI Occupational Healthcare, to provide for occupational medical services. This amendment increases the annual award amount by $500,000.00 from $250,000.00 to $750,000.00 for a cumulative not-to-exceed contract amount of $1,000,000.00 and appends the Heat Injury and Illness Prevention and Safety Plan provision to the contract, pursuant to Pima County Code 11.40.030. The increase is needed due to a greater quantity of services being required than anticipated. Funding Source: Risk Management Fund. Administering Department: Human Resources. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18246
| 1 | 27. | | Contract and/or Award | Bank of America N.A., Amendment No. 3, to provide for banking services, extend contract term to 6/30/26 and amend contractual language, no cost (SC2400001048) Administering Department: Treasurer’s Office | | |
Not Available
File ID 18251
| 1 | 28. | | Contract and/or Award | Tucson Asphalt Contractors, Inc., to provide for the FY25 Pavement Repair and Preservation Program, High Volume and Low Volume Roadways, Avra Valley Area Pulverize/Mill and Pave - Board of Supervisors District 3 Project, County HURF Fund, contract amount $2,971,971.00 (PO2400017341) Administering Department: Transportation | | |
Not Available
File ID 18253
| 1 | 29. | | Contract and/or Award | SMS Construction, L.L.C., to provide for the construction of the Tres Rios WRF Building 10 Digester 4 Lid Replacement, Capital Projects - Regional Wastewater Reclamation Obligations Fund, contract amount $4,608,992.00/2 years, 5 months term (PO2400017413) Administering Department: Regional Wastewater Reclamation | | |
Not Available
File ID 18250
| 1 | 30. | | Contract and/or Award | Prince 10 QOB, L.L.C., to provide a Landscape Maintenance Agreement to plant trees in movable steel planters on a portion of La Cholla Boulevard, no cost/25 year term (SC2400002405) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18224
| 1 | 31. | | Agenda Item | (Clerk’s Note: This item and Agenda Item No. 32 are the same agreement with two separate federal funds.)
Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
State of Arizona Department of Housing, to provide for the U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program, $168,620.00 (G-CWD-81408) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18225
| 1 | 32. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
State of Arizona Department of Housing, to provide for the Department of Health and Human Services, Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program, $276,072.00 (G-CWD-81168) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18227
| 1 | 33. | | Agenda Item | (Clerk’s Note: Agenda Item No. 32 must be approved prior to consideration of this item.)
Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
State of Arizona Department of Housing, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Department of Health and Human Services, Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program, amend grant language and scope of work, $290,180.00 (GA-CWD-81168) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18228
| 1 | 34. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - County Attorney
State of Arizona, Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith, and Family, Amendment No. 1, to provide for the Arizona STOP Violence Against Women Grant, extend grant term to 12/31/25, amend grant language and scope of work, $147,196.00/$49,116.00 General Fund match (GA-PCA-70382) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18234
| 1 | 35. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Environmental Quality
United States Environmental Protection Agency, to provide for the Inflation Reduction Act - Multipollutant Air Monitoring Project, $662,489.00/5 year term (G-DE-75056) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18235
| 1 | 36. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Health
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Amendment No. 3, to provide for the PimaREACH Coalition: restoring cultures of health among Native American and Hispanic/Latinx communities in Pima County, AZ and amend grant language, no cost (GA-HD-70325) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18237
| 1 | 37. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Office of Digital Inclusion
United States Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service, to provide for the Broadband Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement, $487,733.00 (G-ODI-73264) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18239
| 1 | 38. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Recorder
The Arizona Department of Homeland Security, to provide for a Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Assessment, $39,296.00 (G-RE-77765) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18157
| 1 | 39. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Liquor License
Job No. 314122, Lisa Karina Yin, Circle S Saloon, 16021 W. El Tiro Road, Marana, Series 6, Bar, Person Transfer. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18213
| 1 | 40. | | Public Hearing Item | (Clerk’s Note: See Sheriff’s report.)
Hearing - Agent Change/Acquisition of Control/Restructure
Job No. 305183, Jose Pablo Rojo, BBQ Rush Restaurant, 5151 S. Country Club Road, Tucson, Acquisition of Control. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18248
| 1 | 41. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Draft Impact Fee Land Use Assumptions Report and Infrastructure Improvements Plan
Staff recommends approval of the updated draft Land Use Assumptions Report (LUAR) and Infrastructure Improvements Plan (IIP), as required by state statute. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18256
| 1 | 2. | | Addendum | Contract
Green Valley Council, Inc., d.b.a. Green Valley Council, Amendment No. 4, to provide for Green Valley Council Services, extend contract term to 12/31/25 and amend contractual language, Health, DOT, RWRD, DSD, RFCD Tax Levy and DEQ General ($11,250.00) Funds, contract amount $87,500.00 (CT-21-202) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18261
| 1 | 3. | | Addendum | County Administrator Employment Contract
Discussion/Action regarding the employment contract for County Administrator Jan Lesher and authorize Finance to make any necessary transfers of Contingency to effectuate the vacation and sick payout as outlined in the County Administrator’s contract which ended 1/7/2025. (District 1) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18255
| 1 | 4. | | Addendum | Green Valley Council, Inc., d.b.a. Green Valley Council, Amendment No. 4, to provide for Green Valley Council Services, extend contract term to 12/31/25 and amend contractual language, Health, DOT, RWRD, DSD, RFCD Tax Levy and DEQ General ($11,250.00) Funds, contract amount $87,500.00 (CT-21-202) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18262
| 1 | 5. | | Addendum | Transportation Advisory Committee
Appointment of Doug Kenyon, to replace Tom Berezny. Term expiration: 1/6/29. (District 4) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18214
| 1 | 1. | | Consent Item | Environmental Quality Advisory Council
· Reappointment of Paloma Beamer. Term expiration: 8/31/27. (Staff recommendation)
· Appointment of Avelino F. Arellano, Jr., to fill a vacancy created by Eric Betterton, Ph.D. Term expiration: 1/6/28. (Staff recommendation) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18236
| 1 | 2. | | Consent Item | Pima County Healthcare Benefits Trust Board
Appointment of Linda Kile, to replace Thomas Burke. Term expiration: 12/31/27. (County Administrator recommendation) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18242
| 1 | 3. | | Consent Item | Election Integrity Commission
Appointment of Lori Cinnamond, to replace Misty Atkins. Term expiration: 1/6/27. (District 1) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18204
| 1 | 4. | | Consent Item | Special Event
· Peter L. Schultz, San Xavier Moose Lodge No. 1964, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc., 9022 S. Nogales Highway, Tucson, December 29, 2024, January 3, January 18 and January 24, 2025.
· Fred Narcaroti, Oro Valley Sports Alliance, Catalina State Park, 11570 N. Oracle Road, Tucson, February 22, 2025.
· Rebecca Jane Roberts, Rotary Club of Green Valley, 1111 S. GVR Drive, Green Valley, February 4, 2025. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18241
| 1 | 5. | | Consent Item | Precinct Committeemen
Pursuant to A.R.S. §16-821B, approval of Precinct Committeemen resignations and appointments:
Amelia Cramer-045-DEM, Carla Andrews O’Hara-077-DEM, Sharon Reinbott-181-DEM, Alexandra Wright-192-DEM, Michael Horn-Mitchem-195-DEM, Catherine Bliven-257-DEM, Mary Saylor-010-REP, Gerald Spann-012-REP, Mary Spann-012-REP, Theodore Knight-016-REP, Cassandra Leddy-016-REP, Leilani Tedeski-095-REP, Laurie Abney-145-REP, Kathleen Spacone-158-REP, Nadia Larsen-171-REP, Justine Wadsack-184-REP, Kathy Lovin-205-REP | | |
Not Available
File ID 18230
| 1 | 6. | | Consent Item | Hearing Officer Appointments
Appointments of Hearing Officer of the Pima County Superior Court.
Soo Chang Conatser and Catherine V. Monro | | |
Not Available
File ID 18232
| 1 | 7. | | Consent Item | Court Commissioner Appointment
Appointment of Court Commissioner:
Superior Court and Juvenile Court Commissioner
Michelle Cohen Metzger | | |
Not Available
File ID 18229
| 1 | 8. | | Consent Item | Duplicate Warrants - For Ratification
Pan Wenhao $633.52 | | |
Not Available
File ID 18252
| 1 | 9. | | Consent Item | Minutes: October 1, 2024
Warrants: December, 2024 | | |
Not Available