File ID 18345
| 1 | 6. | | Agenda Item | Recognition
Recognition of the retirement of Michael Sterner, Library Technical Assistant, Pima County Himmel Library, for 30 years of service. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18338
| 1 | 7. | | Agenda Item | Presentation of a proclamation to Craig Ivanyi, proclaiming the day of Tuesday, February 18, 2025 to be: "CRAIG IVANYI DAY" | | |
Not Available
File ID 18375
| 1 | 8. | | Agenda Item | Presentation of a proclamation to Dr. Cheree Meeks, President, NAACP Tucson Branch; Beverely Elliott, Executive Director, African American Museum of Southern Arizona (AAMSAZ); and Bob Elliott, Chair of the Board, AAMSAZ, proclaiming the month of February 2025 to be: "BLACK HISTORY MONTH IN PIMA COUNTY" | | |
Not Available
File ID 18336
| 1 | 10. | | Agenda Item | Riparian Habitat Mitigation Plans
Pursuant to Pima County Code, Section 16.30.050(B), quarterly report of District approved Riparian Habitat Mitigation Plans. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18378
| 1 | 11. | | Agenda Item | Contract
Harold C. Levkowitz, as Successor Trustee of the Levkowitz Family Trust created by Agreement dated March 14, 1994, and Jedd Bogage, as Successor Trustee of the Joe Levkowitz Bypass Trust created by Agreement dated March 27, 2020, to provide Acquisition Agreement Acq-1245 and Warranty Deed for approximately 170 acres of floodprone land located at the SW corner of N. Aguirre Road and W. Manville Road, a portion of Tax Parcel No. 208-43-037A, in Section 20, T13S, R10E, G&SRM, Pima County, AZ, Flood Control Floodprone Land Acquisition Program Fund, contract amount $303,800.00 (PO2500002922) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18363
| 1 | 13. | | Agenda Item | Board of Supervisors Representative Updates on Boards, Committees and Commissions and Any Other Municipalities | | |
Not Available
File ID 18381
| 1 | 14. | | Agenda Item | Update on Federal and State Executive, Legislative and Judicial Actions that affect Pima County
Discussion/Action: Request County Administration to provide an update at each Board of Supervisors’ meeting on the federal and state executive, legislative and judicial actions that affect funding for or operations of programs including, but not limited to grants and directives that can impact departments like Health, Sheriff, or County Attorney; also education and immigration policy changes that can impact Pima County residents. (District 5) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18386
| 1 | 15. | | Agenda Item | Pima County Climate Action Update
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding an update of Pima County’s Climate Action Plan, as requested by the Board of Supervisors. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18387
| 1 | 16. | | Agenda Item | Presentation of Military and General Aviation Shared Airspace Safety
Representatives of the Tucson Airport Authority, Davis Monthan Air Force Base and the Air National Guard will share with the Board of Supervisors all that is done by the military and general aviation in the Pima County region to safely share airspace. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18389
| 1 | 17. | | Agenda Item | Petition for Relief of Taxes
Pursuant to A.R.S. §42-11109(E), Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, has petitioned the Board of Supervisors for relief of taxes and associated interest/penalty for tax years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, for Tax Parcel No. 401-13-1520. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18371
| 1 | 18. | | Agenda Item | Authorization of Designated Staff to Conduct Environmental Review Records for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
RESOLUTION NO. 2025 - 3, of the Board of Supervisors, authorizing certain staff to serve as the Certifying Officer and the Environmental Officer to execute federally required environmental review records for County’s community development, affordable housing, and homeless/special needs populations programs. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18346
| 1 | 19. | | Agenda Item | Election Integrity Commission Annual Report 2024
The Election Integrity Commission recommends acceptance of the 2024 Annual Report. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18364
| 1 | 20. | | Agenda Item | Monthly Financial Update
Discussion/Direction/Action regarding a monthly financial update on the County's financial performance. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18394
| 1 | 21. | | Agenda Item | UNFINISHED BUSINESS (2/18/25)
Fiscal Year (FY) 2025/26 Requested Budget Supplemental Overview
Discussion/Direction/Action: Review of the supplemental requests submitted by County departments and elected offices for inclusion in the FY 2025/26 County Administrator’s Recommended Budget. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18390
| 1 | 22. | | Agenda Item | Hearing - Final Impact Fee Land Use Assumptions Report and Infrastructure Improvement Plan
Staff recommends approval of the final Land Use Assumptions Report (LUAR) and Infrastructure Improvement Plan (IIP), as required by state statute. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18366
| 1 | 23. | | Contract and/or Award | Tucson Center for Women and Children, Inc., d.b.a. Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse, to provide for safe, green and healthy energy-efficient facility improvements emergency shelter for women and children, HUD CDBG Fund, contract amount $68,339.07 (PO2400006968) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18365
| 1 | 24. | | Contract and/or Award | Friends of Pima Animal Care Center, to provide a Donor Recognition Agreement for the John McLean Donor Recognition, no cost/20 year term (SC2500000024) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18341
| 1 | 25. | | Contract and/or Award | Award
Amendment of Award: Amendment No. 1 terminates Supplier Contract Nos. SC2400001894 (Group 4) and SC2400001895 (Group 5) with Robbins Equipment Company, Inc., effective 2/18/25, and awards replacement contracts to JANCO FS 2, L.L.C., d.b.a. Velociti, to provide for janitorial services. The replacement contracts will commence on 2/18/25 and terminate on 8/12/25, with four (4) one-year renewal options. This action is in accordance with Section 1.1 of the Contract, which states, “The County reserves the right to add additional contractors, at the County’s sole discretion, in cases where the awarded contractors are providing insufficient service and/or do not have adequate staffing to support the Scope of Work defined herein.” Funding Source: General (88%) and FEMA SSP (12%) Funds. Administering Department: Facilities Management.
Groups/Supplier Contract No./Annual Award Amount
Group 4: Outlying East “OE” JANCO FS 2, L.L.C., d.b.a. Velociti/SC2500000025/
Group 5: Outlying South “OS” JANCO FS 2, L.L.C., d.b.a. Velociti/SC2500000026/
$250,000.00 | | |
Not Available
File ID 18372
| 1 | 26. | | Contract and/or Award | Carahsoft Technology Corp., Amendment No. 6, to provide for computer software and related items and for the renewal of Qlik software, Enterprise and General (50%) Funds, contract amount $1,750,000.00 (SC2400001726) Administering Department: Information Technology | | |
Not Available
File ID 18376
| 1 | 27. | | Contract and/or Award | SHI International Corp., to provide for computer software and related items, Internal Service and General (50%) Funds, not-to-exceed contract amount $50,000,000.00/3 year term ($16,500,000.00 per year) (SC2400002398) Administering Department: Information Technology | | |
Not Available
File ID 18385
| 1 | 28. | | Contract and/or Award | Borderland Construction Company, Inc., Amendment No. 5, to provide for Design-Build Services - Continental Ranch Regional Pump Station Force Main Augmentation (3CFS15), extend contract term to 6/30/25 and amend contractual language, no cost (PO2500002315) Administering Department: Project Design and Construction | | |
Not Available
File ID 18391
| 1 | 29. | | Contract and/or Award | Progressive Services, Inc., d.b.a. Progressive Roofing, to provide for main jail roof replacement, SD Capital Projects (62%) and FM Renewal (38%) Funds, contract amount $1,213,700.00 (PO2500001905) Administering Department: Facilities Management | | |
Not Available
File ID 18392
| 1 | 30. | | Contract and/or Award | Sprayfoam Southwest, Inc., d.b.a. Global Roofing Group, to provide for 33 N. Stone Avenue roof replacement, FM Capital Projects Fund, contract amount $427,000.00 (PO2500002702) Administering Department: Facilities Management | | |
Not Available
File ID 18367
| 1 | 31. | | Contract and/or Award | City of Tucson, Amendment No. 1, to provide election services for the 2025 Special, Primary and General elections, extend contract term to 12/31/25, amend contractual language and scope of services, contract amount $210,000.00 revenue (CTN-RE-24-1) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18382
| 1 | 32. | | Contract and/or Award | Pima County Elections Department, to provide for conducting school district elections July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2028, General Fund, contract amount $250,000.00 (PO2500003654) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18347
| 1 | 33. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Community and Workforce Development
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration, Amendment No. 3, to provide for the H-1B One Workforce Grant, extend grant term to 6/30/25 and amend grant language, no cost (GA-CWD-65907) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18348
| 1 | 34. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Health
Resolve to Save Lives, Inc., Amendment No. 1, to provide for the 7-1-7 Alliance Project to use laboratory data to improve timeliness of detection, notification, and early response to disease outbreaks, extend grant term to 10/31/25 and amend grant language, no cost (GA-HD-74210) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18349
| 1 | 35. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Justice Services
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Amendment No. 3, to provide for the Safety and Justice Challenge and extend grant term to 6/30/25, no cost (GA-JS-66212) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18369
| 1 | 36. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Office of Emergency Management
State of Arizona Department of Homeland Security, to provide for the FFY2023 Pima County Community Resiliency Initiative Project, $7,964.00 (G-OEM-82813) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18370
| 1 | 37. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Project Design and Construction
Stratford Art Works, Inc., to provide a Sub-award Agreement for the Teatro Carmen Rehabilitation, $300,000.00/26 months term (approximately $140,000.00 per year) (G-PDC-75380) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18373
| 1 | 38. | | Agenda Item | Acceptance - Sheriff
Department of Justice, to provide for the BJA FY2024 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, $122,437.00 (G-SD-83442) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18331
| 1 | 39. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Code Text Amendment
ORDINANCE NO. 2025 - 2, of the Board of Supervisors, relating to Indigent Health Care; amending the Pima County Code, Chapter 4. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18268
| 1 | 40. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Liquor License
Job No. 321483, Jesus Graciela Garcia Valle, Hacienda Azul Breakfast and Lunch, 3220 W. Valencia Road, Tucson, Series 12, Restaurant, New License. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18292
| 1 | 41. | | Public Hearing Item | Hearing - Liquor License
Job No. 309839, Andrea Dahlman Lewkowitz, Hacienda at the Canyon, 3900 N. Sabino Canyon Road, No. 2L, Tucson, Series 12, Restaurant, New License. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18404
| 1 | 1. | | Addendum | Fire District Funding Needs
Discussion/Direction: While Tucson Fire Department serves the urban center of our county, numerous other fire districts provide critical services to rural, suburban and unincorporated areas. These districts face unique challenges, including limited budgets, aging equipment, and growing service demands. Ensuring they are adequately equipped and staffed is essential for the safety and well-being of all Pima County residents.
Today we will hear from Chief Bradley of Northwest Fire District (FD), Chief Wunder of Santa Rita FD (formerly Green Valley FD), and Chief Delfs of Avra Valley FD, as well as from firefighter Ryan Ward, who serves on the Southern AZ Firefighters Association, regarding current service levels across fire districts of different sizes serving rural vs. urban vs. suburban areas, and what more is needed to achieve target service levels across all communities, regardless of property tax base. This discussion will build off the information we received in the 12/16/24 memo from Administrator Lesher titled, “Fire and Emergency Medical Service Res | | |
Not Available
File ID 18335
| 1 | 1. | | Consent Item | Metropolitan Education Commission
· Appointment of Karla Silva, representing At-Large, Historically Marginalized and Excluded Communities, to fill a vacancy created by Dr. Treya Allen. Term expiration: 1/17/27. (MEC Board of Directors recommendation)
· Appointment of Jennifer Vasquez, representing Educator for Youth Ages 14-18. Term expiration: 1/31/27. (Superintendent of Schools recommendation) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18356
| 1 | 2. | | Consent Item | Fair Horse Racing Commission
Appointment of Toni Richardson, to fill a vacancy created by Tim Kelly. Term expiration: 1/18/27. (District 1) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18359
| 1 | 3. | | Consent Item | Community Action Agency Board
Reappointment of John Vasquez Bedoy. Term expiration: 12/31/25. (District 5) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18360
| 1 | 4. | | Consent Item | State Board of Equalization
Reappointment of Peter E. Pearman. Term expiration: 12/31/28. (District 5) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18361
| 1 | 5. | | Consent Item | Pima County/Tucson Women’s Commission
Reappointment of Annie Sykes. Term expiration: 12/31/28. (District 5) | | |
Not Available
File ID 18334
| 1 | 6. | | Consent Item | Special Event
· Barbara J. Peck, Friends of Western Art, Inc., The Casitas at Smokey Springs, 1451 N. Smokey Springs Road, Tucson, April 26, 2025.
· John Walter Kenning, Jr., Santa Catalina Catholic Church, 14380 N. Oracle Road, Tucson, February 18, 2025. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18368
| 1 | 7. | | Consent Item | Temporary Extension
14103017, Kevin Arnold Kramber, AMVETS Post, No. 770, 3015 S. Kinney Road, Tucson, April 12, 2025. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18357
| 1 | 8. | | Consent Item | Duplicate Warrants - For Ratification
Raquel Leon $13.40; Raquel Leon $7.86; Victor Acosta Acosta $109.13; The 5H's, L.L.C. $450.00; The 5H's, L.L.C. $1,935.00; David Miner $1,800.00; Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing $989.41; Sam Duong $1,700.00; Parklane Mobile Estates $485.00; Lakeside Casitas $3,042.00; Pacifica Brentwood, L.L.C. $1,847.06; Debora K. Moore $1,251.60; DH Pace Company, Inc. $217.40; Tucson Electric Power, Co. $71,911.09; Ser-Jobs For Progress Of Southern Arizona, Inc. $68,794.58; Jot Comfort Properties, L.L.C. $119,392.00; Brioso $4,943.00; Palomino Crossing Apartments $2,470.42; Pacifica Brentwood, L.L.C. $1,847.06; Lakeside Casitas $3,042.00; Empire Southwest, L.L.C. $1,243.71; Empire Southwest, L.L.C. $176.09; Carmen Alicia Noriega $310.00; Owayo, Inc. $9,498.00; Mr. Cooper $1,540.43; Monique Garcia $470.39; Curgliano Law, P.L.L.C. $33,282.80; Patrick Steven Riesgo $184.94; Waxies Enterprises, Inc. $3,169.87; Mission Creek Apartments $4,065.65; AAA Landscape $19,574.68; Lisa Coyle $566.82; El Dorado Place $4,818.58; Katie L. Filous $18,745.20; Idexx Distribution, I | | |
Not Available
File ID 18362
| 1 | 9. | | Consent Item | Justice of the Peace Pro Tempore Appointment
Appointment of Justice of the Peace Pro Tempore of the Pima County Consolidated Justice Court for the period of January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025: Christopher Holguin | | |
Not Available
File ID 18380
| 1 | 10. | | Consent Item | Court Commissioner Appointment
Appointment of Court Commissioner:
Superior Court and Juvenile Court Commissioner
Marie Kagie-Shutey | | |
Not Available
File ID 18383
| 1 | 11. | | Consent Item | Certificate of Removal and Abatement - Certificate of Clearance
Staff requests approval of the Certificates of Removal and Abatement/Certificates of Clearance in the amount of $23,602.85. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18384
| 1 | 12. | | Consent Item | Request to Waive Interest
Pursuant to A.R.S. §42-18053, staff requests approval of the Submission of Request to Waive Interest Due to Mortgage Satisfaction in the amount of $700.92. | | |
Not Available
File ID 18374
| 1 | 13. | | Consent Item | Minutes: November 19, 2024 | | |
Not Available