File #: File ID 15712    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 3/8/2023 In control: Presentation/Proclamation
On agenda: 3/21/2023 Final action: 3/21/2023
Title: Presentation of a proclamation to Azhar Jamal, Elma Nunez and James Little, Program Coordinators, Angela Montiel, Health Educator Senior, Dolores Encinas and Jessica Barone, Program Specialists, and Lee Itule-Klasen, Program Manager, Pima County Health Department, Dustin J. Williams, School Superintendent, Matt Stamp, Communications Director and Monica Wright, Director of Healthy and Safe Schools, Pima County School Superintendent's Office, proclaiming the month of March 2023 to be: "PIMA COUNTY REAL DEAL ON VAPING MONTH 2023"
Attachments: 1. PROC_PimaCountyREALDEALonVapingMonth2023


Presentation of a proclamation to Azhar Jamal, Elma Nunez and James Little, Program Coordinators, Angela Montiel, Health Educator Senior, Dolores Encinas and Jessica Barone, Program Specialists, and Lee Itule-Klasen, Program Manager, Pima County Health Department, Dustin J. Williams, School Superintendent, Matt Stamp, Communications Director and Monica Wright, Director of Healthy and Safe Schools, Pima County School Superintendent’s Office, proclaiming the month of March 2023 to be:  "PIMA COUNTY REAL DEAL ON VAPING MONTH 2023"