File #: File ID 18357    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Item Status: Approved
File created: 1/31/2025 In control: Finance and Risk Management
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Title: Duplicate Warrants - For Ratification Raquel Leon $13.40; Raquel Leon $7.86; Victor Acosta Acosta $109.13; The 5H's, L.L.C. $450.00; The 5H's, L.L.C. $1,935.00; David Miner $1,800.00; Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing $989.41; Sam Duong $1,700.00; Parklane Mobile Estates $485.00; Lakeside Casitas $3,042.00; Pacifica Brentwood, L.L.C. $1,847.06; Debora K. Moore $1,251.60; DH Pace Company, Inc. $217.40; Tucson Electric Power, Co. $71,911.09; Ser-Jobs For Progress Of Southern Arizona, Inc. $68,794.58; Jot Comfort Properties, L.L.C. $119,392.00; Brioso $4,943.00; Palomino Crossing Apartments $2,470.42; Pacifica Brentwood, L.L.C. $1,847.06; Lakeside Casitas $3,042.00; Empire Southwest, L.L.C. $1,243.71; Empire Southwest, L.L.C. $176.09; Carmen Alicia Noriega $310.00; Owayo, Inc. $9,498.00; Mr. Cooper $1,540.43; Monique Garcia $470.39; Curgliano Law, P.L.L.C. $33,282.80; Patrick Steven Riesgo $184.94; Waxies Enterprises, Inc. $3,169.87; Mission Creek Apartments $4,065.65; AAA Landscape $19,574.6...
Attachments: 1. FN_DuplicateWarrants


Duplicate Warrants - For Ratification

Raquel Leon $13.40; Raquel Leon $7.86; Victor Acosta Acosta $109.13; The 5H's, L.L.C. $450.00; The 5H's, L.L.C. $1,935.00; David Miner $1,800.00; Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing $989.41; Sam Duong $1,700.00; Parklane Mobile Estates $485.00; Lakeside Casitas $3,042.00; Pacifica Brentwood, L.L.C. $1,847.06; Debora K. Moore $1,251.60; DH Pace Company, Inc. $217.40; Tucson Electric Power, Co. $71,911.09; Ser-Jobs For Progress Of Southern Arizona, Inc. $68,794.58; Jot Comfort Properties, L.L.C. $119,392.00; Brioso $4,943.00; Palomino Crossing Apartments $2,470.42; Pacifica Brentwood, L.L.C. $1,847.06; Lakeside Casitas $3,042.00; Empire Southwest, L.L.C. $1,243.71; Empire Southwest, L.L.C. $176.09; Carmen Alicia Noriega $310.00; Owayo, Inc. $9,498.00; Mr. Cooper $1,540.43; Monique Garcia $470.39; Curgliano Law, P.L.L.C. $33,282.80; Patrick Steven Riesgo $184.94; Waxies Enterprises, Inc. $3,169.87; Mission Creek Apartments $4,065.65; AAA Landscape $19,574.68; Lisa Coyle $566.82; El Dorado Place $4,818.58; Katie L. Filous $18,745.20; Idexx Distribution, Inc. $7,088.32.