Hearing - Solicitation No. RFP24000243, Landscape Maintenance Services and Repairs
A. Appeal of Procurement Director’s Decision
Pursuant to Pima County Code 11.20.010(H), CDK Design, L.L.C., d.b.a. Arcadia Landscape, appeals the decision of the Procurement Director regarding Solicitation No. RFP24000243, Landscape Maintenance Services and Repairs.
Motion by Chair Grijalva, seconded by Supervisor Scott, closed the public hearing and denied 5-0.
B. Award
Award: Multiple Supplier Contracts, to provide for landscape maintenance and repair services. These contracts are for an initial term of one (1) year in the annual award amount of $1,320,000.00 (including sales tax) and includes four (4) one-year renewal options. Funding Source: General Fund. Administering Department: Facilities Management.
Group No./Vendor Name (Headquarters)/Supplier Contract No./Annual Award Amount
Group A/Underwood Brothers, Inc. (Phoenix, AZ)/SC2400002235/$1,000,000.00
Group B/CDK Design, L.L.C. (Tucson, AZ)/SC2400002236/$320,000.00