File #: File ID 18324    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 1/22/2025 In control: Flood Control District Board
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Contract City of Tucson, to provide an intergovernmental agreement for design, construction, and maintenance of Green Stormwater Infrastructure located at 202 E. Mohave Road and 201 E. Navajo Road, no cost/25 year term (SC2500000000)
Attachments: 1. SC2500000000, 2. SC2500000000_CAMemo_1-31-25



City of Tucson, to provide an intergovernmental agreement for design, construction, and maintenance of Green Stormwater Infrastructure located at 202 E. Mohave Road and 201 E. Navajo Road, no cost/25 year term (SC2500000000)