File #: File ID 18355    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Addendum Status: Approved
File created: 1/30/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Legislative Agenda Update - Fire District Funding Discussion/Direction/Action: Directing the County Administrator to add the following to our 2025 State Legislative Agenda, for pursuit by our county lobbyist at the State Capitol this legislative session: Using the language from SCR 1049 (Fifty-fifth Legislature, Second Regular Session, 2022; i.e. what became Arizona Proposition 310, Sales Tax for Fire District Funding Measure (2022)) as a model, creating enabling legislation that would authorize the Board of Supervisors of Pima County (or all Boards of Supervisors across all fifteen counties) to refer to the electors of Pima County (or to the electors of their respective counties) a countywide sales tax measure of up to 1/10th of one percent (1/10th of a penny) for the purpose of shoring up the finances of all Fire Districts operating within the county. (District 2)
Attachments: 1. BOS_LegislativeAgendaUpdateFireDistFunding_Dist2Submittal, 2. BOS_LegislativeAgendaUpdateFireDistFunding_CommLtr_2-3-25_Redacted, 3. BOS_LegislativeAgendaUpdateFireDistFunding_CommLtr_2-4-25_Redacted


Legislative Agenda Update - Fire District Funding

Discussion/Direction/Action: Directing the County Administrator to add the following to our 2025 State Legislative Agenda, for pursuit by our county lobbyist at the State Capitol this legislative session:


Using the language from SCR 1049 (Fifty-fifth Legislature, Second Regular Session, 2022; i.e. what became Arizona Proposition 310, Sales Tax for Fire District Funding Measure (2022)) as a model, creating enabling legislation that would authorize the Board of Supervisors of Pima County (or all Boards of Supervisors across all fifteen counties) to refer to the electors of Pima County (or to the electors of their respective counties) a countywide sales tax measure of up to 1/10th of one percent (1/10th of a penny) for the purpose of shoring up the finances of all Fire Districts operating within the county. (District 2)