Board of Supervisors, District 3
Discussion/action regarding the appointment of a new District 3 Board of Supervisor.
Motion 1: Motion by Chair Grijalva, seconded by Supervisor Heinz to appoint April Ignacio. Upon roll call, motion failed, Supervisors Christy, Scott and Clerk Manriquez voted nay.
Motion 2: Motion by Chair Grijalva, seconded by Supervisor Heinz to appoint Jennifer Allen. Upon roll call, motion failed, Supervisors Christy, Scott and Clerk Manriquez voted nay.
Motion 3: Motion by Supervisor Heinz to appoint Kristen Randall. Motion died for lack of a second.
Motion 4: Motion by Supervisor Scott, seconded by Supervisor Heinz to appoint Sylvia Lee. Upon roll call, approved 3-1, Supervisor Christy voted nay and Clerk Manriquez abstained.